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Guidelines on aquaculture restocking and stock enhancement

FAO. 2023. Guidelines on aquaculture restocking and stock enhancement. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Mid-term stratregy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries: five targets, selected outputs, proposed actions 2017
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    Thirteen years after the adoption of the Declaration of the Ministerial Conference for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries in the Mediterranean (2003 Venice Declaration), great strides have been made in promoting responsible fisheries practices. In particular, the role of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been crucial in promoting common rules and strengthening regional cooperation in the Me diterranean and the Black Sea. However, fisheries in the area still face serious challenges, as roughly 90 percent of the region’s scientifically assessed stocks are considered to be fished outside safe biological limits. Such alarming trends not only negatively impact the fisheries sector itself, but they also hinder attempts to ensure secure livelihoods and food security, through blue growth initiatives, for the coastal communities in the region. As a response to these challenges, the GFCM has launched the “mid-term strategy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries” in order to define a course of decisive action aimed at reverting the alarming trend in the status of commercially exploited stocks. Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the mid-term strategy seeks to improve Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and contribute to the sustainable development of coastal States. Through the implementation of the following five tar gets, the mid-term strategy is expected to ensure that, by 2020, the alarming trend in the status of commercially exploited stocks is reversed: TARGET 1: Reverse the declining trend of fish stocks through strengthened scientific advice in support of management TARGET 2: Support livelihoods for coastal communities through sustainable small-scale fisheries TARGET 3: Curb illegal unreported and unregulated fishing, through a regional plan of action TARGET 4: Minimize and mitigate unwanted interact ions between fisheries and marine ecosystems and environment TARGET 5: Enhance capacity-building and cooperation
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    Book (series)
    General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the twenty-second session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries, online, 22–25 June 2021 2021
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its twenty-second session online, from 22 to 25 June 2021. The session was attended by delegates from 19 Mediterranean contracting parties, 11 observers, as well as representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Fisheries Division, the GFCM Secretariat and invited experts. The Committee reviewed the work carried out during the 2019–2021 intersession, including within the framework of the mid-term strategy (2017–2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided advice on status of priority stocks and ecosystems and on potential management measures addressing key fisheries and vulnerable species in the Mediterranean. In line with the subregional approach, the Committee formulated advice focusing on: i) small pelagic and priority demersal fisheries in the Adriatic Sea; ii) common dolphinfish and blackspot seabream fisheries in the western Mediterranean; iii) small pelagic and bottom trawl fisheries exploiting demersal stocks, particularly European hake, in the central Mediterranean; iv) deep-water red shrimp fisheries in the eastern-central Mediterranean, including their interactions with vulnerable marine ecosystems; and v) round sardinella in the eastern Mediterranean. The Committee also agreed on the technical soundness of three FRA proposals for the Bari Canyon, the Ebro Delta margin and the Palmahim Disturbance, to be submitted to the Commission. At the regional level, the Committee provided advice on the following: i) fishing technology and bycatch, including minimal technical specifications for bottom-trawl nets and the need for targeted pilot projects to investigate possible mitigation measures; ii) data call for the database on sensitive benthic habitats and species and other effective area-based conservation measures for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems and essential fish habitats; and iii) advances in the adaptation strategy for climate change. Furthermore, the Committee discussed additional work in support of the GFCM, namely the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, dedicated research programmes as well as other activities to enhance fisheries management in the region. Finally, the Committee agreed upon its work plan for 2021–2023.
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    Guidelines on assessing and minimizing the possible impacts from the use of non-indigenous species in aquaculture 2023
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    This publication presents guidelines prepared and adopted by the GFCM to assess and minimize the possible impacts from the use of non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Specifically, it identifies the guiding principles and minimum common criteria needed to minimize the potential adverse impacts of non-indigenous species on biodiversity, natural habitats, ecosystems and related ecosystem services. By recommending practical actions to stakeholders, these guidelines aim to create a common regional framework on aquaculture practices related to the use of non-indigenous species and provide decision-makers with a useful tool for policy development.

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