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Food policy monitoring in the Near East and North Africa region. 2nd Quarter 2023 | Bulletin

FAO. 2023. Food Policy Monitoring in the Near East and North Africa Region. 2nd Quarter 2023 | Bulletin. Cairo. 

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food policy monitoring in the Near East and North Africa region. 3rd Quarter 2023 | Bulletin 2023
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    Global commodities and food prices continued their downward trend in the third quarter of 2023; however, food price inflation remains a great concern in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. While the oil-exporting Gulf countries are faring well through the ongoing macroeconomic challenges, other NENA countries are struggling with high energy and input costs, economic challenges, domestic currency depreciation and serious food insecurity in the conflict zones. Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen are expected to lack the resources to deal with reported critical problems of food insecurity.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food policy monitoring in the Near East and North Africa region. 1st Quarter 2024 | Bulletin
    Gender equality and women’s empowerment for inclusive food systems transformation
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    Global food prices have continued their downward trend in recent months, falling back almost a third from their peak in 2022 by February 2024. International wheat and corn prices have also eased, though they still remain above their pre-COVID levels; however, international rice prices have been climbing to new heights recently. Inflation continues to ease in most regional economies; the IMF (International Monetary Fund)forecasts a 14.4 percent inflation for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region for 2024. Domestic staple food prices remain elevated in the region: the food consumer price index was approximately 11 percent at the beginning of March 2024. However, in most countries of the region, prices exhibit a steady or decreasing trend, with the exception of Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, the Sudan and the United Arab Emirates, where they exhibit a moderate acceleration.
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    Book (series)
    Regional review on status and trends in aquaculture development in the Near East and North Africa – 2020 2022
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    The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region covers 18 countries and territories: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara and Yemen with a total land area of 9.8 million km2. The region is mostly arid or semi-arid but has extensive coastlines and includes a wide range of different economies from high income, hydrocarbon-rich countries to low-income states, some of which have been severely impacted by conflict in recent years. NENA aquaculture production was worth USD 2.3 billion in 2018, two-thirds of which came from Egypt and around one-quarter from Saudi Arabia. Production has grown rapidly since the 1980s, more than doubling over ten years and increasing by 50 percent over the five years preceding 2018 to reach 1.7 million tonnes. Egyptian fish farms accounted for 92 percent of production and Saudi Arabia for 4.2 percent while other significant producers included Iraq (25 737 tonnes), Tunisia (21 826 tonnes), Algeria (5 100 tonnes), the United Arab Emirates (3 350 tonnes) and the Syrian Arab Republic (2 350 tonnes). Although current aquaculture production levels are low, all these countries have high ambitions with further developing the sector, often for improved food self-sufficiency.

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