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The WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies and the role of FAO

Lem, A., Castro de Souza, M., Toussaint, M., Bhakti, A. & Mateos, A. 2023. The WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies and the role of FAO. Trade policy briefs, No. 53. Rome, FAO.

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    Report of the forty-first session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Budva, Montenegro, 16 - 20 October 2017
    GFCM Report No. 41
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    The forty-first session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean as well as the eighth session of the Committee on Administration and Finance was attended by delegates of 22 contracting parties, as well as of three cooperating non-contracting parties and one non-contracting party. Representatives from 20 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and its regional projects as well as the Bureaus of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies, were also in attendance. During the session, the progress in the implementation of the mid-term strategy was reviewed, including in relation to the 2017 Malta MedFish4Ever Ministerial Declaration. Moreover, cooperation activities within the framework of agreements with contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties and with partner organizations were discussed. In light of its increasing cooperation with the GFCM, the Commission granted cooperating non-contracting party status to the Republic of Moldova. In relation to the management of fisheries and aquaculture in the GFCM area of application, a total of eight binding recommendations were adopted, dealing with the following issues: reporting of aquaculture data and information; management of blackspot seabream fisheries in the Alboran Sea; establishment of a fisheries restricted area in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit (Adriatic Sea); multiannual management plan for turbot fisheries in the Black Sea; establishment of a regional adaptive management plan for the exploitation of red coral in the Mediterranean; submission of data on fishing activities in the GFCM area of application; a regional plan of action to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the GFCM area of application and an international joint inspection and surveillance scheme outside the waters under national jurisdiction in the Strait of Sicily. Furthermore, the Commission adopted six resolutions including: a strategy for the sustainable development of Mediterranean and Black Sea aquaculture; guidelines for the streamlining of aquaculture authorization and leasing processes; the reactivation of the Working Group on Fishing Technology; a permanent working group on vulnerable marine ecosystems; a network of essential fish habitats and the application of an International Maritime Organization number. Finally, the Commission adopted its programme of work for the next intersession and approved its budget amounting to US$2 532 162 for 2018 as well as a number of strategic actions to be funded through extrabudgetary resources. It also unanimously endorsed the renewed Bureaus of the Committee on Administration and Finance, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Aquaculture, the Working Group on the Black Sea and the Compliance Committee.
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    Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission 2010
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    The 14th Session of the Indian Ocean Tu Commission (IOTC) was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, from 1 to 5 March 2010. Representatives of 19 Members of the Commission, two Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, FAO, eight Observers and invited experts attended the Session. In response to concerns about the status of the stocks, the Commission adopted a conservation and magement action by which a time-area closure is established for purse-seine and longline fisheries, and a plan of action is start ed that will lead to the adoption of a quota or other appropriate conservation measure by 2012. The plan of action includes a feasibility study on improving data collection from artisal fisheries, and an inter-sessiol technical meeting to adopt recommendations on allocation criteria for a quota system. Magement advice is to be supplied by the Scientific Committee in a way that allows magers to assess the risks and benefits of different magement actions. The Commission also adopted a binding reso lution establishing a Port State measure, with provisions almost identical to the global Port State Agreement recently adopted by the FAO Council. The Commission also agreed to establish a mechanism for applying market-related measures against Parties that have engaged in activities undermining the objectives of the Commission. The issue of lack of compliance by Members, identified in the past as one of the major problems for IOTC, was addressed by the strengthening of the Compliance Committee, who will focus on the performance of individual Members, allowing it to identify Parties that are deficient in the implementation of IOTC resolutions. The Compliance Committee will have extended meetings to accommodate the additiol workload starting at its next Session. Combating illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing continued with a detailed review of several incidents of IUU involving vessels from member states, which resulted in new vessels being listed under the IUU list. The Com mission also adopted a measure that, for the first time among tu RFMOs, protects all shark species in the family Alopiidae, by notably by the retention onboard and prohibiting the commercialization of these vulnerable species. The Commission agreed to the creation of a special Fund to support the participation of representatives from developing states in meetings of the Commission or its subsidiary bodies. Accumulated savings from previous years are to be used as seed funding for this purpose, a s well as to start the execution of sampling programmes in artisal fisheries, as requested in the Regiol Observer Scheme adopted in 2009. The Commission reiterated its deep concerns and desire to see the end of the ongoing issue of piracy off the coast of Somalia. The Commission approved the 2010/11 Program of Work and Budget of the Secretariat, and the schedule of contributions. The Commission renewed the status of Cooperating non-Contracting Party of Senegal, South Africa and Uruguay, and, for the first time, granted the status to Maldives. The following measures were adopted by the Commission: - Resolution 10/01 For the conservation and magement of tropical tus stocks in the IOTC area of Competence - Resolution 10/02 On mandatory statistical requirements for IOTC Members and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties (CPCs) - Resolution 10/03 Concerning the recording of catch by fishing vessels in the IOTC area - Resolution 10/04 On a Regiol Observer Scheme - Resolution 10/05 On the Establ ishment of a Meeting Participation Fund for Developing IOTC Members and non-Contracting Cooperating Parties (CPCs) - Resolution 10/06 On reducing the incidental bycatch of seabirds in longline fisheries - Resolution 10/07 Concerning a record of licensed foreign vessels fishing for tus and swordfish in the IOTC area - Resolution 10/08 Concerning a record of active foreign vessels fishing for tus and swordfish in the IOTC area - Resolution 10/09 Concerning the functions of the Compliance Committee - Resolution 10/10 Concerning Market Related Measures - Resolution 10/11 On port state measures to prevent, deter and elimite illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing - Resolution 10/12 On the conservation of thresher sharks (family Alopiidae) caught in association with fisheries in the IOTC area of competence - Recommendation 10/13 On the implementation of a ban on discards of skipjack tu, yellowfin tu, bigeye tu, and non-targeted species caught by purse-seiners
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    Book (series)
    Decision-making in Regional Fishery Bodies or Arrangements: the evolving role of RFBs and international agreement on decision-making processes. 2004
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    This Circular describes the evolving role of regional fishery bodies or arrangements (RFBs), from the advisory bodies established during the first half of the twentieth century to the current trend of establishing management bodies. It also describes the recognition in recent international instruments of the authority of RFBs as management bodies, a response to the need for strengthened fisheries governance by RFBs. References to the role of RFBs and decision-making are reviewed in the 1982 Un ited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement, the 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. This Circular is descriptive only, and presents information on selected RFBs in summary form. There is no assessment or analysis of the decisions taken, as the objective of this review is to promote a better understanding of the evolution of the role of RFBs and relevant international agreement on the elements involved in decision-making processes.

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