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Restoring degraded grassland: Orchards enrich school yards for prosperity

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Restaurando Pastagens Degradadas: Pomares Transformam Pátios Escolares para um Futuro Promissor 2024
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    Esta iniciativa descreve como a construção de pomar na escola primária do sector Lomanda II, localizada na comuna da Chipipa, província do Huambo, em Angola, transforma-se em acções práticas de consciencialização ambiental com o objectivo de revitalizar um ecossistema de pastagem degradada na comunidade. Através do pomar, o Projecto de Gestão Sustentável de Terras em Paisagens Seleccionadas no Sudoeste de Angola (ZAEC), financiado pelo Fundo Global do Ambiente (GEF) e implementado pelo Ministério do Ambiente com apoio técnico da FAO, busca proporcionar uma oportunidade prática de aprendizado para os alunos, enquanto aborda os desafios ambientais locais. O projeto ZAEC tem desenvolvido actividades para reverter tendências negativas de degradação de terras no Sudoeste de Angola (Huambo e Benguela), utilizando abordagens sustentáveis para o planeamento, tomada de decisões e gestão de terras, a partir de métodos participativos para fortalecer a capacidade das partes interessadas, locais.
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    Book (series)
    I am learning the steppes – Student’s activity book
    The steppe is an ecosystem
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    The project, diverse educational programs are implemented for different target groups, including teachers, students, experts and decision makers responsible for the management of protected areas. An educational program was designed for students, including wall painting and drama activities with the artists, poetry and drawing competition among schools, and a kite festival with the artists. Additionally, nature corners displaying the features of steppes were established in certain schools. As part of the education and awareness raising program, an educational kit was prepared for teachers and students. This kit is a source document for increasing the knowledge, interest and awareness of children about the steppe ecosystem of Şanlıurfa. With this reference kit, you will be able to explore the diversity and importance of steppes from different perspectives such as history, biology, geography, sustainability, and climate change.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    I am learning the steppes – Student's activity book
    Plants of the steppe
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    In the project, diverse educational programs are implemented for different target groups, including teachers, students, experts and decision makers responsible for the management of protected areas. An educational program was designed for students, including wall painting and drama activities with the artists, poetry and drawing competitions among schools, and a kite festival with the artists. Additionally, nature corners displaying the features of steppes were established in certain schools. As part of the education and awareness-raising program, an educational kit was prepared for teachers and students. This kit is a source document for increasing the knowledge, interest and awareness of children about the steppe ecosystems of Şanlıurfa. With this reference kit, you will be able to explore the diversity and importance of steppes from different perspectives such as history, biology, geography, sustainability, and climate change.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Restaurando Pastagens Degradadas: Pomares Transformam Pátios Escolares para um Futuro Promissor 2024
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    Esta iniciativa descreve como a construção de pomar na escola primária do sector Lomanda II, localizada na comuna da Chipipa, província do Huambo, em Angola, transforma-se em acções práticas de consciencialização ambiental com o objectivo de revitalizar um ecossistema de pastagem degradada na comunidade. Através do pomar, o Projecto de Gestão Sustentável de Terras em Paisagens Seleccionadas no Sudoeste de Angola (ZAEC), financiado pelo Fundo Global do Ambiente (GEF) e implementado pelo Ministério do Ambiente com apoio técnico da FAO, busca proporcionar uma oportunidade prática de aprendizado para os alunos, enquanto aborda os desafios ambientais locais. O projeto ZAEC tem desenvolvido actividades para reverter tendências negativas de degradação de terras no Sudoeste de Angola (Huambo e Benguela), utilizando abordagens sustentáveis para o planeamento, tomada de decisões e gestão de terras, a partir de métodos participativos para fortalecer a capacidade das partes interessadas, locais.
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    Book (series)
    I am learning the steppes – Student’s activity book
    The steppe is an ecosystem
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    The project, diverse educational programs are implemented for different target groups, including teachers, students, experts and decision makers responsible for the management of protected areas. An educational program was designed for students, including wall painting and drama activities with the artists, poetry and drawing competition among schools, and a kite festival with the artists. Additionally, nature corners displaying the features of steppes were established in certain schools. As part of the education and awareness raising program, an educational kit was prepared for teachers and students. This kit is a source document for increasing the knowledge, interest and awareness of children about the steppe ecosystem of Şanlıurfa. With this reference kit, you will be able to explore the diversity and importance of steppes from different perspectives such as history, biology, geography, sustainability, and climate change.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    I am learning the steppes – Student's activity book
    Plants of the steppe
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    In the project, diverse educational programs are implemented for different target groups, including teachers, students, experts and decision makers responsible for the management of protected areas. An educational program was designed for students, including wall painting and drama activities with the artists, poetry and drawing competitions among schools, and a kite festival with the artists. Additionally, nature corners displaying the features of steppes were established in certain schools. As part of the education and awareness-raising program, an educational kit was prepared for teachers and students. This kit is a source document for increasing the knowledge, interest and awareness of children about the steppe ecosystems of Şanlıurfa. With this reference kit, you will be able to explore the diversity and importance of steppes from different perspectives such as history, biology, geography, sustainability, and climate change.

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