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Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000 (WCA 2000)

Statistical Development Series 5

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    Book (series)
    2000 World Census of Agriculture: Methodological Review (1996-2005) 2013
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    The Programme for World Census of Agriculture 2000 was the sixth prepared by FAO for encouraging countries to undertake an agricultural census with standardized international concepts, definitions and methodologies. The programme covered the censuses carried out during the decade (1996 – 2005). Some 122 countries carried out an agriculture census during the decade and 114 countries made available their census reports to FAO. This publication is a methodological review of the agricultural censuse s conducted within the framework of the Programme for World Census of Agriculture 2000. It covers methodological aspects like enumeration methods and techniques, census frames, geographical and holding type coverage, census scope, data processing and tabulation, data quality and dissemination, integration of agricultural censuses with other censuses and surveys.
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    Book (series)
    2000 World Census of Agriculture: Main Results and Metadata by Country (1996-2005) 2010
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    The Programme for World Census of Agriculture 2000 was the sixth prepared by FAO for encouraging countries to undertake an agricultural census with standardized international concepts, definitions and methodologies. The programme covered the censuses carried out during the decade (1996 – 2005). Some 122 countries carried out an agriculture census during the decade and 114 countries made available their census reports to FAO. This publication reports the main results on structure of agriculture as defined by the holding characteristics, gender, land tenure and land use, crops, livestock, etc., and the metadata on agricultural censuses of the countries.
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    Book (series)
    World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020
    Volume 2, Operational guidelines
    FAO has supported member countries to carry out their national agricultural censuses since 1945, through the development and dissemination of international standards, concepts, definitions and methodologies as well as technical assistance. In 2015, FAO published Volume 1 of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020) “Programme, concepts and definitions”, the tenth decennial programme that provides guidelines for implementation of national agricultural censuses in the 2016-2025 decade. Volume 1 deals with the methodological and conceptual aspects of the census of agriculture. In addition to the use of international standards, the proper conduct of an agricultural census also depends on adequate planning, implementation, use of resources and quality assurance throughout all stages of the census. In light of this, Volume 2 of WCA 2020 “Operational guidelines” has been designed to guide national census practitioners responsible for conducting the agricultural census. It deals with the practical steps involved in actually conducting an agricultural census in the field. Volume 2 is a revised and updated edition of “Conducting Agricultural Censuses and Surveys”, published by FAO in 1996. The revision is opportune not only in view of the recent publication of the new census programme and methodology but also in view of the substantial changes witnessed in the census technological environment over the last two decades. The availability of digital, mobile and more affordable tools for data capture, geo-positioning, remote sensing imaging, digital archiving and online dissemination have provided new cost-effective alternatives to traditional ways of conducting the agricultural census.

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