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Urban and peri-urban forestry and greening in west and Central Asia

Experiences, constraints and prospects

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    Book (series)
    Greening cities for improving urban livelihoods
    Legal, policy and institutional aspects of urban and peri-urban forestry in West and Central Asia (with a case study of Armenia)
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    A thematic study on “Urban and peri-urban forestry” focuses on the potentials and constraints for urban forestry development at regional and sub-regional levels considering the current experience and future prospects of urbanization in the region that is expected to take place in the next 15 years. As a complement to this thematic Urban and peri-urban forestry study, a livelihoods analysis of the contribution of forests and trees to urban poor livelihoods has been carried out the Sub-programme o n access to natural resources of the Livelihood Support Programme (GCP/INT/803/UK). This paper presents the analysis. It represents part of an area of work on linkages between access to forest resources and poverty in West and Central Asia.
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    Book (series)
    Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry 2016
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    These guidelines are the result a consultative process that involved a large number of practitioners from both developed and developing countries. Two meetings were held in Glasgow and Delhi and a tentative outline was agreed upon. The guidelines are intended to provide a reference framework for decision makers and planners to adequately plan, design and manage the forest and trees in and around their cities. The document will include a general overview of the role of urban and peri-urban fores ts (UPF) towards a sustainable urban development, as well as specific chapters recommending policy and management actions to be taken to maximize UPF contribution in addressing both global and local challenges.
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    Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia
    The outlook from a sustainable livelihoods
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    This paper presents the application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) to forest-poverty linkages and the analysis of the main issues that are raised for the Forestry Outlook study. The LSP Sub-programme on access to natural resources initially intended to begin its work in support of the FOWECA project with a regional desk study. However, with Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia 2 sparse literature available, a decision was made to focus the initial work on Kyrgyzstan given the experience of the Collaborative Forest Management (LSP Working Paper 13). That platform provided an understanding on which to base fieldwork to examine the linkages between poverty and access to forestry resources. Chapter 2 of this paper describes the SLA and outlines a conceptual framework for the analysis of forest-poverty linkages using the SLA. Chapter 3 considers the current situation regarding forest-poverty linkages in the country studies using the SLA as a conceptual framewor k. Chapter 4 considers key trends affecting forest-poverty linkages and the consequences for policy-making with regard to FOWECA objectives. Chapter 5 concludes with the lessons learnt from using the SLA and an assessment of the effectiveness of the SLA for understanding forest-poverty linkages.

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