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Fish Forum Book of abstracts

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    Book (stand-alone)
    African Network on Fish Technology and Safety 2021 - Book of abstracts, 6–9 December 2021 / Réseau africain sur la technologie et la sécurité sanitaire du poisson 2021 - Recueil de résumés, 6-9 Décembre 2021 2022
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    This publication includes the abstracts of the selected papers presented by experts on the occasion of the African Network on Fish Technology and Safety (ANFTS) 2021. The abstracts are subdivided according to the following themes: (a) Reduction and prevention of post-harvest losses by: (i) Improving methods, means and the political and institutional environment conducive to good practices for handling, preservation, processing and packaging of fishery products; (ii) Better utilizing low value fish, bycatch and discards; (iii) Developing by-products; (b) Improving fishery products safety by strengthening inspection and quality control services and systems, certification, eco-labelling, etc.; (c) Improving national, sub-regional marketing channels and international trade of fish and fishery products; (d) Socio-economics, gender and environmental issues related to post-harvest activities; and (e) Addressing the implications of COVID-19 on small-scale fishery value chains. Cette publication inclue les résumés des articles sélectionnés présentés par les experts à l’occasion de la réunion du Réseau africain sur la technologie et la sécurité sanitaire du poisson (ANFTS) en 2021. Les résumés sont sous-divisés selon les thèmes suivants: (a) réduction et la prévention des pertes après capture par: (i) l'amélioration des méthodes, des moyens et de l'environnement politique et institutionnel propice aux bonnes pratiques de manipulation, conservation, transformation et conditionnement des produits de la pêche; (ii) une meilleure utilisation des poissons de faible valeur, des prises accessoires et des rejets; (iii) la création de sous-produits; (b) l’amélioration de la sécurité sanitaire des produits de la pêche en renforçant les services et les systèmes d'inspection et de contrôle de la qualité, la certification, l'éco-étiquetage; (c) l’amélioration des circuits de commercialisation nationaux, sous-régionaux et du commerce international du poisson et des produits de la pêche; (d) les questions socioéconomiques relatives à la parité hommes-femmes et à l’environnement, liées aux activités après capture; (e) la prise en compte des implications de la covid-19 sur les chaînes de valeur de la pêche artisanale.
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    Report of the nineteenth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 - 19 March 2017 / Rapport de la dix-huitième session du Comité scientifique consultatif des pêches. Ljubljana, Slovénie, 16 -19 mars 2017 2017
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its nineteenth session in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 16 to 19 May 2017. The session was attended by delegates from 18 Mediterranean contracting parties and one cooperating non-contracting party, nine observers, representatives of the FAO, including its regional projects, the GFCM Secretariat and invited experts. The Committee reviewed the work carried out during the 2016–2017 intersession, including within its four new subregional subsidiary bodies (Subregional Committee for the Adriatic Sea, Subregional Committee for the Central Mediterranean, Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean and Subregional Committee for the Western Mediterranean) which all met during the intersession. In relation to the recent adoption and launch of the mid-term strategy (2017–2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries, the Committee welcomed the swift launch of multiple priority activities, recognizing that the strategy objectives were ambitious but that related action was necessary. In this respect, it discussed the main activities already launched or foreseen as well as the major issues to be tackled by the GFCM Forum on Fisheries Science (Fish Forum), due to be held at the end of 2018. Furthermore, the Committee formulated advice on the following aspects: i) overall status of Mediterranean stocks; ii) marine environment and ecosystem s; and iii) data collection and quality indicators. In line with the subregional approach implemented and based on the conclusions of the four subregional committees, the SAC also provided specific advice for each subregion. At the Mediterranean level, the Committee discussed: i) the indicators of good environmental status; ii) the status of the stocks, in particular European hake; iii) the management of red coral populations (Corallium rubrum, L.) and of European eel (Anguilla anguilla); iv)the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing; v) interactions between fisheries and marine environment, including deep-sea fisheries and vulnerable marine ecosystems; and vi) data collection and data quality. At the subregional level, based on the priority species identified for each subregion, specific conclusions were related to the management of i) small pelagic species in the Adriatic Sea, including the establishment of a fisheries restricted area; ii) demersal species in the Strait of Sicily; iii) blackspot seabream in the western Mediterranean; and iv) deep sea fisheries and non-indigenous species in the eastern Mediterranean. In addition, the Committee discussed the implementation of the SAC subregional approach. Finally, the Committee agreed upon its work plan for 2017–2019
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    Book of abstracts. Regional Consultative Forum Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission 2006
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    This publication provides the abstracts of the presentations and posters presented at the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Regional Consultative Forum Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 16 to 19 August 2006.

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