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Making forest concessions in the tropics work to achieve the 2030 Agenda: Voluntary Guidelines

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    Book (series)
    Hacia concesiones forestales en las zonas tropicales que contribuyan a la consecución de la Agenda 2030: Directrices voluntarias 2018
    The decision to develop a set of voluntary guidelines for forest concessions in the tropics, in the context of the 2030 Agenda, stems from the need to advance the implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM). In tropical countries, where deforestation rates are decreasing but remain alarming, and public production forests represent a large share of total production forests, the impact of forest concessions as a policy instrument can be significant. They can determine either unsustainable or sustainable behaviour, depending on the commitment and capacity of those implementing the concessions, and the regulatory and economic environment. To date, forest concessions have delivered mixed results, as demonstrated by the various regional studies and reports conducted under the Forest Concessions Initiative (FCI). However, this negative perception is not only associated with the effectiveness of forest concessions in meeting conservation and development goals, but also with timber production. The specific objective of these Voluntary Guidelines is to promote the sustainable management of public production natural forests in tropical countries through forest concessions, thereby fulfilling their potential contribution to the achievement of Agenda 2030. Forest concession regimes are treated here as forest policy instruments, and should be aligned with the sustainable forest management objectives agreed by countries in the UNFF. The current Guidelines intend to serve as guidance for making forest concessions an effective economic instrument of forest policy in the context of the 2030 Agenda, transforming them into an instrument capable of delivering sustainable forest management in all its dimensions, and generating socio-economic benefits to relevant stakeholders.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring 2017
    FAO carries out this mandate and seeks to assist countries and the world community by providing relevant, timely, realistic, reliable and useful information for application in reviewing policies, promoting multilateral cooperation and taking appropriate investment actions for the sustainable management of forest resources; and to support international cooperation in harmonizing and sharing multi-country forest resource information in common formats. In this context, the need for voluntary guidel ines on forest monitoring has emerged. It is clear that voluntary guidelines will not solve the lack of information; however it is the key for harmonization and to ensure some degree of reliability of the information. The guidelines aim to present a general framework to compile good practice principles, methodologies and tools for planning and implementing a multi-objective national forest inventory as one of the crucial objectives to allow for collection and provision of timely, comparable and consistent forest related information to help decision makers and inventory experts to establish long-term forest monitoring systems which are grounded in sound practice and defensible scientific rigor taking in consideration the requirements from international reporting requirements (for example for REDD+ or biodiversity).

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