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Seventh Mediterranean Forest Week - Proceedings

Antalya, Türkiye, 21–25 March 2022

FAO, MoAF, BTU, OGM  & AIFM. 2023. Seventh Mediterranean Forest Week Proceedings – Antalya, Türkiye, 21–25 March 2022. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    State of Mediterranean Forests 2018 2018
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    The Mediterranean region has more than 25 million hectares of Mediterranean forests and about 50 million hectares of other Mediterranean wooded lands. They make crucial contributions to rural development, poverty alleviation, food security, as well as, the agricultural, water, tourism, and energy sectors. Changes in climate, societies, and lifestyles to create appropriate financial incentives and tools. in the Mediterranean region could have serious negative consequences for forests, with the potential to lead to the loss or diminution of those contributions and to a wide range of economic, social and environmental problems. In the future, Mediterranean forests will support agriculture and human wellbeing. It is therefore crucial to improve policies, practices, and to promote sustainable management to provide social and economic benefits as well as to increase the resilience of ecosystems and societies. This new edition of the State of Mediterranean Forests aims to demonstrate the importance of Mediterranean forests to implementing solutions to tackle global issues such as climate change and population increase. Part 1: The Mediterranean landscape: importance and threats. Despite the important natural capital provided by Mediterranean forests, they are under threats from climate change and population increase and other subsidiary drivers of forest degradation. Part 2: Mediterranean forest-based solutions. Forests and landscape restoration, adaptation of forests and adaptation using forests, climate change mitigation, and conserving biodiversity are additional and complementary approaches to address the drivers of forest degradation to the benefit of populations and the environment. Part 3: Creating an enabling environment to scale up solutions. To scale up and replicate forest-based solutions, there is a need to change the way we see the role of forests in the economy, to put in place relevant policies, more widespread participatory approaches, to recognize the economic value of the goods and services provided by forests and, ultimately, to create appropriate financial incentives and tools.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week
    Mediterranean Forests and the Paris Agreement: challenges and opportunities
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    Following the success of the Fifth Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) in Morocco in March 2017, the Sixth MFW will take place in Lebanon on 1-5 April 2019. The Sixth MFW will bring together a diverse range of participants to consider how Mediterranean forests can assist countries in the region to achieve their goals under the Paris Agreement. The Sixth MFW will consider the important role Mediterranean forests can assist countries in the region to achieve their goals under the Paris Agreement. 1. How Mediterranean forests can contribute to the fulfillment of global climate change commitments 2. The role of Mediterranean forests in adapting people to climate change 3. The role of Mediterranean forests in facilitating sectoral climate change adaptation in areas such as water, agriculture and cities 4. The role of Mediterranean forests in helping to mitigate the effects of climate change
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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the twenty-seventh session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome, Italy, 19-22 November 2002 2002
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    The twenty-seventh session of GFCM was attended by delegates from nineteen of the twenty-three members of the Commission. The Commission reviewed the intersessional activities, particularly the conclusions and advices of the fifth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and of the third session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ). The Commission noted that the regional project proposal entitled “Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information Systems” (MEDFISIS) was to be initiated . The Commission also reviewed the status of action taken by Members towards ratifying the amendments to the GFCM Agreement relative to the autonomous budget. The Commission adopted Recommendation 2002/1 on the management of selected demersal and small pelagic species and further endorsed three Recommendations by ICCAT concerning the management of large pelagic species. The Commission established a Joint SAC/CAQ/ICCAT Ad Hoc Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming Practices in the Mediterran ean. While adopting the programme of work for SAC and CAQ, the Commission also established a reference framework for the mandate of SAC for the intersessional periods 2003-2004.

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