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世界食料農業白書 2016年報告: 気候変動と農業、食料安全保障

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    世界食料農業白書 2007年報告
    「世界食料農業白書2007年報告」は,食料や繊維の生産と同時に,高水準の環境便益を供 給する農業の潜在的可能性を論じている。こ の報告は,気候変動の緩和,河川流域管理の改善,生物多様性の保護を含む,農業によっ
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    In brief – The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 (SOFA)
    Climate change, agriculture and food security
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    This booklet summarizes the main information and conclusions of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 report.

    to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate

    Unless action is taken now to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate change impacts will seriously compromise food production in countries and regions that are already highly food-insecure. The Paris Agreement, adop ted in December 2015, represents a new beginning in the global effort to stabilize the climate before it is too late. It recognizes the importance of food security in the international response to climate change, as reflected by many countries focusing prominently on the agriculture sector in their planned contributions to adaptation and mitigation. To help put those plans into action, this report identifies strategies, financing opportunities, and data and information needs. It also describes t ransformative policies and institutions that can overcome barriers to implementation.

    The following complementary information is available :

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    The potential of agroecology to build climate-resilient livelihoods and food systems 2020
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    This study highlights the links between agroecology and climate change, by providing evidence on the technical (i.e. ecological and socio-economic) and policy potential of agroecology to build resilient food systems. The report aims to answer the following question: - How can agroecology foster climate change adaptation, mitigation and resilience through practices and policies? Inspired by the idea that transformation will only happen through a coordinated approach among all levels, this study aims to combine evidence from a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives.

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