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Protecting food security and the environment while facilitating trade

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Poster: IPPC Protecting food security and the environment while facilitating trade 2017
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    The IPPC poster provide a summary of theIPPC factsheet. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement, established in 1952 and revised in 1997, that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Poster: IPPC Secretariat Supporting IPPC governing bodies and coordinating IPPC work programmes 2017
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    The IPPC poster provide a summary of the IPPC factsheet. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement, established in 1952 and revised in 1997, that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests.
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    Enhancing Protection of Plant Resources from Pests in Developing Countries - GCP/GLO/877/EC 2023
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    Due to rapid globalization, international travel and trade are greater than ever before, and as people and commodities move around the world, organisms that present risks to plants travel with them. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement, which aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests. Of the 184 IPPC contracting parties, 130 are from developing countries, and there is an increasing demand for technical assistance to improve their capacity to establish and maintain efficient plant protection institutions and framework. Against this background, the European Union funded Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) project has been operating, since 2012, as the tool used by the IPPC to identify contracting parties’ challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Convention and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). This project was implemented to build on the results delivered in the first and second project cycles of the IRSS; and to improve contracting parties’ implementation of the IPPC, ISPMs and Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) recommendations.

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