Conférence mondiale de la FAO sur la transformation de l’élevage dans une optique de durabilité
Améliorations en matière de production, de nutrition, d’environnement et de conditions de vie
25/09/2023 - 27/09/2023
La FAO organise la toute première Conférence mondiale sur la transformation de l’élevage dans une optique de durabilité du 25 au 27 septembre 2023 à son siège, à Rome. Cet événement donnera aux représentants des membres de la FAO, des organisations de producteurs, des instituts de recherche et des établissements universitaires, des organismes de développement, des organisations de la société civile et des entités du secteur privé l’occasion d’engager, dans un espace neutre, des dialogues sur les innovations et les pistes pouvant conduire à la production efficace d’aliments d’origine animale plus nutritifs, plus sûrs et plus accessibles ayant une empreinte écologique réduite, et pouvant contribuer à la mise en place de systèmes d’élevage locaux dynamiques et diversifiés qui soient davantage résilients face aux chocs et aux perturbations.
La FAO aide ses membres à renforcer la contribution des systèmes d’élevage à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Ses travaux sur les systèmes d’élevage durables se situent à la croisée des quatre améliorations sur lesquelles repose le Cadre stratégique de l’Organisation pour 2022-2031, à savoir: une meilleure production, une meilleure nutrition, un meilleur environnement et de meilleures conditions de vie. Les systèmes d’élevage durables jouent un rôle important dans la concrétisation de chacune de ces aspirations.
Les objectifs de l’événement sont les suivants:
- Faire mieux connaître la contribution de la production animale durable à la mise en œuvre du Cadre stratégique 2022-2031 de la FAO, dans la perspective de la réalisation des ODD aux niveaux mondial, régional et national.
- Échanger des informations et des connaissances concernant l’orientation stratégique et les évolutions techniques de la production animale durable dans le monde.
- Établir des priorités concernant la mobilisation et la mutualisation de ressources scientifiques, techniques et financières aux fins de la transformation de l’élevage dans une optique de durabilité à l’échelle mondiale.
L’événement couvrira quatre thèmes principaux:
- Amélioration des systèmes de production animale: les questions qui seront abordées comprennent la gestion et l’utilisation des aliments pour animaux et des ressources zoogénétiques, la santé et le bien-être des animaux, le passage au numérique et l’élevage de précision;
- Aliments d’origine animale et amélioration de la nutrition: il s’agira de présenter les connaissances les plus pointues concernant la contribution des aliments d’origine animale à la sécurité alimentaire, à la nutrition et à une alimentation saine;
- Solutions pour des élevages plus respectueux de l’environnement: il s’agira d’échanger des informations au sujet des bonnes pratiques et des initiatives permettant d’optimiser l’utilisation des ressources naturelles et de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre;
- Amélioration des conditions de vie: il sera notamment question de la façon d’aider les petits éleveurs à améliorer leurs moyens de subsistance et à accroître leurs revenus grâce à des politiques et des services inclusifs, ce qui pourrait contribuer à rendre la production animale plus efficace et plus résiliente.
Séance plénière 1: Ouverture et présentation générale 9:30 ‑ 12:30
Séance plénière 2: Amélioration de la production 14:00–17:00
Séance plénière 3: Amélioration de la nutrition 9:00 ‑ 12:00
Séance plénière 4: Amélioration de l’environnement 14:00–17:00
Séance plénière 5: Amélioration des conditions de vie 9:00 ‑ 12:00
Séance plénière 6: Séance de haut niveau et clôture 14:00–17:00
Manifestation parallèle
All the events take place in the Sheikh Zayed Centre (in the Atrium, Ground Floor).
Monday 25 September 2023 | 12.45 - 13.45 CEST
The International Year of Camelids (IYC), proposed by the Plurinational State of Bolivia, aims to raise awareness about the importance of camelids in various aspects of society. Camelids hold cultural and ecological significance, particularly in desert and mountain regions, where they are an integral part of the traditional ways of life of indigenous communities. These communities rely on camelids for poverty reduction, hunger alleviation, women's empowerment, access to water, climate change mitigation, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals. The side event will analyze the progress, challenges, and perspectives of the camelid sector and its communities in the Americas, Africa and Asia, taking into account factors such as climate change, pandemics, and water resource availability, and considering the customs and practices of the communities towards IYC in line with the 2030 Agenda. The side event and the IYC will aim to increase the public awareness of camelids worldwide.
WebcastMonday 25 September 2023 | 17.15 - 18.15 CEST
A sustainable livestock sector will foster inclusive economic growth, improve livelihoods, and sustain animal health and welfare. By adopting sustainable livestock practices, we can create healthier and more sustainable communities for all living beings and make contributions to a more equitable and sustainable world. As an important facilitator, "One Health, One Welfare" approach is closely linked to the transformation of sustainable livestock. One Health is the main approach for addressing the complex health challenges facing our society, such as ecosystem degradation, food system failures, infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. As an extension of One Health, One Welfare approach enhances the direct and indirect links among animal welfare, human well-being and environment-friendly animal farming systems. This side event aims to raise people’s awareness of the importance of the One Health One Welfare approach and its contributions to sustainable livestock transformation by improving the health and welfare of animals, the well-being of people and the environment in which they live. It expects to increase the impact of the World Farm Animal Welfare-Beijing Consensus and to attract more partners.
WebcastTuesday 26 September 2023 | 12.30 - 13.30 CEST
This side event will feature developments in genomics, genome editing, and regulation of biotechnology that have the potential to enhance both the economic viability and sustainability of smallholder dairy farming in Sub-Saharan Africa through rapid improvement of locally adapted cattle genetic resources. The program will specifically highlight ongoing collaborations between national research organizations, biotechnology developers, and non-governmental organizations that seek to enhance farmer access to innovative animal breeding technologies. The event will feature three speakers offering the perspectives of a national research agency, a technology developer, and a non-governmental organization followed by a moderated panel discussion.
Tuesday 26 September 2023 | 17.15 - 18.15 CEST
While enteric methane reducing supplements for intensive systems are commercially available and have been shown to reduce enteric methane in intensive operations such as feedlots by up to 90%, there are currently no in- or near-to-market solutions which substantially reduce emissions from grazing systems. Without this technology, reduction in enteric methane emissions from agriculture will be negligible unless the number of grazing beef cattle and sheep is reduced.
Panelists representing science and industry agencies will discuss emerging technologies and key challenges and opportunities for delivering and supporting sustainable low emission livestock production. The discussion will focus on the more challenging extensive grazing systems of the world. Attendees will be encouraged to engage in discussion with the panel to design stronger global research partnerships, set research priorities for diverse global production systems, and co-ordinate and share delivery solutions.
Wednesday 27 September 2023 | 12.30 - 13.30 CEST
The IFC will chair a panel discussion with World Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to discuss how multinational development banks and foundations work with private sector companies to ensure sustainable livestock development in emerging markets.
The discussion will centre around the IFC’s Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock, a sustainability framework endorsed by the major developmental banks investing in private sector livestock operations.
Multinational development banks and foundations like BMGF are supporting the transformation of the livestock sector in developing countries, including through investments in private companies. IFC alone has over US$1 billion invested in projects in developing countries. Those investments are supported by even larger investments in the public sector by institutions such as the World Bank. There is a strong recognition that the livestock sector growth and transformation is only possible if all sustainability challenges are addressed. IFC’s Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock outline the best practices in seven areas important for the sustainability of the sector: (i) animal health; (ii) veterinary antimicrobials and medicines; (iii) animal welfare; (iv) decarbonization and climate resilience; (v) biodiversity; (vi) safe food; and (vii) national laws and regulations.
Through a moderated discussion, the participants will showcase how a combination of private and public sector investments can help transform the livestock sector.
- Programme
- Note de synthèse
- Groupe consultatif externe (en anglais)
- Frequently asked questions
- Practical Information