








Fédération des AgroPasteurs de Diender

Farmers' organization
La Fédération des Agropasteurs de Diender est une organisation paysanne d’environ 3 000 membres qui a pour objectif principal la promotion d’une agriculture saine et durable pour une meilleure sécurité alimentaire dans la zone des Niayes. Elle a été mise en place en 1994 et exerce ses activités dans la zone...

Rad Environmental and Climatic Protection Foundation

Non-governmental organization
RENACLIP Foundation is a Nigerian Environmental NGO formerly registered with the federal government. The organization's thematic values are centered on climate change (adaptation and mitigation methods), entrepreneurship, environmental research, sustainable development, youth and community development, among others.

International Tree Foundation

Non-governmental organization
International Tree Foundation works with communities in Africa and the UK to carry out sustainable community forestry projects which protect, regenerate and cultivate trees and forests to conserve habitats rich in biodiversity, and to enhance human and environmental well-being.

Unión Nacional de Organizaciones Regionales Campesinas y Autónomas

Civil society
La UNORCA es una organización de representación indígena y campesina de amplia participación, de lucha, de trabajo y de propuesta, que se constituyó en el VII Encuentro Nacional realizado en Cuetzalan, Puebla, en marzo de 1985. A la UNORCA la integran campesinos, pequeños productores, jornaleros, avecindados, colonos, jóvenes, mujeres, pescadores y...

Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center

Non-governmental organization
Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center is an ecological-based organization and a registered non-profit organization in Ghana. Their vision is for humans, animals and nature to peacefully and happily co-exist in their ecological center/ community; therefore, it wants to create an amazing example of regenerative/sustainable agriculture and sustainable living in this region,...

Green Brigade DR Congo

Non-governmental organization
Green Brigade DR Congo is an NGO working to promote climate change solutions, protect water, forest and climate for a sustainable development of vulnerable communities, and to build adaptation capacity to climate change. In Lake Kivu Basin Eastern of DR Congo, the group is planting trees, educating farmers on Agroecology...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 The Gambia

Farmers' organization
The Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 Gambia was established in 2013, focusing on advocacy and lobbying policies in favor of family farming. It has been officially recognized by the Gambian government in 2016 as platform for policy dialogue. It consists of 17...

Institut Africain pour le Développement économique et social-Centre africain de Formation

Non-governmental organization
Inades-Formation Togo est créée en 1972 et a signé un accord de coopération avec le Gouvernement Togolais. L’Association nationale est structurée autour d’une Assemblée Générale (AG) composée de quarante (47) membres qui détermine les orientations générales et contrôle l’exécution des programmes d’intervention. Elle travaille sur cinq (5) programmes structurants, à...

Centre for Agriculteur ans Rural Développent in Mali

Civil society
Cette organisation de la société civile intervient dans le développement agricole et rural par la promotion d'une croissance inclusive et durable dans le secteur agricole. Les activités de l'organisation sont : le soutien et le renforcement des capacités des agriculteurs et des exploitations agricoles, la recherche et le conseil agricoles,...

International Tree Foundation

Non-governmental organization
International Tree Foundation plants trees, protects and regenerates forests, combats desertification and promotes sustainable forestry. We conserve forests, trees, associated biodiversity and indigenous forestry knowledge internationally and in the UK. We alleviate poverty through sustainable community forestry and drylands regreening. ITF’s projects involve planting trees that provide food and...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Somaliland AgroVet Action

Non-governmental organization
Somaliland Agro VetAction is non profit and local NGO based in Somaliland with its HQ office at Hargeisa. It was founded in 2019 as a relief and development organisation by national livestock veterinary and agricultural scholars who were devoted to combat poverty and hunger challenges repeatedly faced by poor livestock herders...

Gram Disha Trust

Non-governmental organization
1. To be a charitable public organisation that promotes agro-ecology, craft and culture primarily in, but not restricted to, the Himalayan region 2. To help build sustainable food systems with a thrust on marketing and involving end-to-end supply chains from farm-to-fork as well as backward linkages (in the form of inputs...

Hungarian National Rural Network

Hungarian National Rural Network is an umbrella network of private and public networks - government, local government, civil society, business organizations, professional bodies (such as Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Networks) and other organizations involved in the rural development. The primary goal of the HNRN is to support the implementation and...

Seminar of Agricultural Economics, Aichi Gakuin University

The Seminar of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics, Aichi Gakuin University, is led by Associate Professor Kae Sekine (Ph.D. of Economics). Ag-Econ AGU is engaged in research, education and outreach activities on smallholder agriculture and family farming in Japan and other countries.

Solidarites International

International Organization
Introduction of new innovative farming systems and technologies, establishing demonstration sites for use as farmers field schools

Temele Development Organization

Non-governmental organization
Agricultural production and productivity, water sanitation and hygiene, disaster risk reduction and financial inclusion.

University of Waterloo


FOFIFA - Centre National de Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural

Research center
Le FOFIFA représente la composante principale du Système National de Recherche Agricole à Madagascar. Le FOFIFA a pour mission de mettre en œuvre la politique nationale de recherche en matière de développement rural et de définir, orienter, promouvoir, coordonner toutes les activités de recherche concernant : - La production agricole :...

Meg Wah (My Earth)

Non-governmental organization
According to the U.N. FAO, 42.1% of Cameroon is forested. Of these forest cover, 1% is lost annually. The main cause of the lost is population increase and over dependency on natural resources for survival. There has been unsustainable exploitation of these resources which is causing significant environmental degradation....

Nueva Federacion Ganadera de Colombia - Meta

Gremio de ganaderos
Total results:94
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