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The objectives of the Symposium as set out in the prospectus were as follows:-

  1. To assess the relevance of current fisheries policies and objectives in relation to the major problems associated with the planning and implementation of fisheries management and development programmes in inland Africa.

  2. Through discussion, exchange of experience and consideration of alternative policies and strategies to identify measures to improve the effectiveness of the elaboration and implementation of such programmes.

The prospectus also suggested the following questions to be addressed:

  1. Are the existing institutions structurally appropriate for formulating policies and objectives for inland fisheries, for devising strategies and plans for their improvement, and for carrying out supporting and monitoring functions?

    If it is found that existing institutions are not appropriate, it follows that solutions to present problems and constraints may be found by considering possible changes in the way in which these institutions are structured and operated and reviewing the criteria which influence the formulation of their policies and strategies. A consideration of this issue must also take account of the levels at which these institutions are funded, equipped and staffed.

  2. Are opportunities for integrating fisheries development with other sectors of the economy being lost for lack of appropriate mechanisms for dialogue between different government departments or ministries? Are such mechanisms functioning at all levels, or only at some?

  3. What role does “limited entry” play in the management of inland fisheries, and how can it be implemented most effectively? What other kinds of regulatory measures have proved effective in inland waters?

  4. Are there appropriate opportunities or mechanisms for fishermen and their dependents to participate in the formulation of policies and plans, and in their implementation?

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