罗马, Italy
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Report 森林遗传资源 政府间技术工作组 第六届会会议 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/1 暂定议程 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/1 Add.1 暂定注释议程和时间表 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/2 《森林遗传资源养护、可持续利用和开发全球行动计划》实施情况 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/3 《世界森林遗传资源状况第二份报告》的编制情况 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/4 开发新版全球森林遗传资源信息系统 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/5 粮食和农业遗传资源获取和惠益分享:回顾与展望 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/6 粮食和农业遗传资源“数字序列信息”:挑战和影响 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/7 气候变化与粮食和农业遗传资源 |
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CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/8 生物技术促进粮食和农业植物遗传资源可持续利用和保护工作审议 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/9 遗传委今后闭会期间工作安排方案 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.1 Statutes of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources, and Members and Alternates Elected by the Commission at its Seventeenth Regular Session (English only) |
EN |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.2 Rev.1 与会人员须知 |
ZH |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.3 Draft survey of access and benefit-sharing country measures accommodating the distinctive features of genetic resources for food and agriculture and associated traditional knowledge (English only) |
EN |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.4 Inputs by Members on access and benefit-sharing for genetic resources for food and agriculture (multilingual) |
EN |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.5 FAO activities on climate change (English only) |
EN |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.6 The role of genetic resources for food and agriculture in climate change adaptation and mitigation (English only) |
EN |
CGRFA/WG-FGR-6/21/Inf.7 Recent developments in biotechnologies relevant to the characterization, sustainable use and conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture (English only) |
EN |