القياس والتقييم

Webinar: Evaluation criteria: what's new and what changes for agriculture and food security?

Evaluation criteria: what's new and what changes for agriculture and food security?

12 February 2020

15:00 - 16:00 Central Europe Time

Speaker: Megan G. Kennedy-Chouane, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD

Facilitator: Rachel Sauvinet Bedouin, Senior Evaluation Officer, FAO

The evaluation criteria first set out by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 1991 have recently been revised. In this webinar, you will learn about the new definitions, the significance of the changes and the new coherence criteria. Examples from evaluations of projects and programmes in agriculture, food security and nutrition will be discussed. There will be time to have your questions answered and share ideas on how the revised criteria can improve the practice of evaluation.

This webinar is organised by the EvalForward Community of Practice www.evalforward.org 

If interested in participating please contact [email protected] 

First comprehensive portal to track international capacity development support for forest monitoring

The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) has launched a portal - the first such comprehensive platform - to track international capacity development support to developing countries in forest monitoring for climate action.

The portal - the GFOI Inventory of Activities - is a one-stop shop with easy-to-access information on more than 400 forest monitoring activities in 70 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. Users can search for information by country or region, by type of forest monitoring activities, and by donors.

"Collecting and disseminating better information on forests is vital for countries and the international community's efforts to take targeted and effective action on climate change," said Hiroto Mitsugi, FAO Assistant Director-General for Forestry.

The portal will help governments and donors identify gaps, share resources, avoid overlaps and explore opportunities for new partnerships to better address the challenges countries face as they develop their National Forest Monitoring Systems.

The portal displays information from the world's leading forest monitoring development partners, including national governments, development practitioners, space agencies and forestry experts.

It is an example of successful collaboration and open information sharing, which is essential in an era of global climate change as big geospatial data and other diverse and usable information becomes increasingly available.

You can access the portal here: http://www.fao.org/gfoi/activities?utm_source=all&utm_medium=all&utm_campaign=GFOI%20Inventory%20of%20Activities

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI 2019) was launched today in New York City.

The report gives an updated estimate of the number of hungry people in the world, including regional and national breakdowns, and provides the latest data on child stunting and wasting as well as on adult and child obesity.

This year, for the first time, the report also present the estimates of a new indicator: the prevalence of moderate and severe food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES).

This new edition of the report also includes a special focus on economic slowdowns and downturns, which are among the main drivers behind the recent rise in world hunger.

The report, which is developed thanks to the collaboration of FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, is an important measure of global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal of #ZeroHunger.

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028

The fifteenth joint edition of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook provides market projections for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish. The 2019 report contains a special feature on the prospects and challenges of the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Download the full report (projections by commodity listed separately)

Executive Summary

Press release

Discover the EVAL-ForwARD Community of Practice

A new video presents the rationale behind EVAL-ForwARD, a Community of Practice on evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development jointly supported by the evaluation offices of FAO, WFP and IFAD. 

The objectives of EVAL-ForwARD are to enhance awareness and capacities at country-level about evaluation in the agriculture, food security and rural development sectors, with a close focus on the evaluation of efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 – End Hunger. 

التقارير والموجزات

Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue

We review briefly recent trends in food security and violent conflict and the quantitative literature discussing their interactions, as reflected by the papers in this special issue. We find a large diversity in experiences of food security and conflict, posing a challenge for causal identification...


Survey on Effective Environmentalism

As part of an international research collaboration on environmental cause prioritization, the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of the Leiden University is conducting a short, anonymous survey among experts in either biodiversity & ecosystems or agriculture & food security. The survey aims to rank different environmental challenges based on their importance for either of these two fields.

Please follow this link to take part: http://bit.ly/2G9GFaQ 

It takes about 11 minutes to complete, and consists of 3 sections: 1) general information (this page), 2) the main questionnaire, and 3) a captcha. The progress bar is shown on top.

A summary of the survey results will be published at a later date.

For any questions or feedback, please contact Laura Scherer ([email protected]).

Thank you for your valuable contribution to our research!