I'd also raise a point with regards to FPIC, and its potential applicability beyond indigenous communities. Though it was originally formulated with regards to indigenous peoples, FPIC is nowadays considered an applicable principle to all types of communities potentially affected by land transactions. In fact, FPIC is nowadays considered an expression of the realization of different human rights (adequate housing, culture, etc.)
In addition, the VGGT Technical Guide on FPIC emphasizes that, as an expression of the right to self determination, “FPIC can be fairly interpreted as applying to all self-identified peoples who maintain customary relationships with their lands and natural resources, implying it is enjoyed widely in rural Africa and Asia” (for instance).
In this regard, shold the guide make reference for consultations with other non IP communities tofollow the FPIC standards and allow a “right to say no”?
M. Fabiano de Andrade Correa