Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

In a recent paper we elbaorated the three golden rules for protecting human health, animal biodiversity and welfare, and envrionment in all their dimensions:

Fardet A E Rock, Reductionist nutrition research has meaning only within the framework of holistic thinking. Advances in Nutrition 2018;9:655–670.

In details:

  • Rule 1: “Végétal” for Plant: consuming at least 85% calories from plantbased foods, limiting animal-based foods to 2-3 servings a day;
  • Rule 2: “Vrai” for Real: consuming at least 85% from real foods, limiting ultraprocessed foods to 1-2 servings/day;
  • Rule 3: “Varié” for Varied: varying real foods within cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts, fruits, meats, fish, eggs and dairy.

Then, when possible, eat organic, local and seasonal.

This dietary pattern is closed to flexitarian diet, and in agreement with recommendations from FAO, EAT-Lancet commission, and French Agrimonde-Terra reports. It can be declined locally for each world region according to agricultural context. Within these rules, limiting animal-based and ultra-processed foods is a strong lever for human health, animal welfare and preservation of environment. Eat varied allows stimulating biodiversity. Notably, the production, transformation, and distribution of ultra-processed foods is particularly deleterious to the all planet.

tending towards the 3Vs golden rules should allow respecting both health, animal biodiversity and welfare, environment, small farmers, socioeconomics, and culinary traditions.

We think this a simple lever to improve food system sustainability.