Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres


Organisation: Iowa state University Ames Iowa
Pays: États-Unis d'Amérique
I am working on:

Efforts to mitigate the detrimental effects of heavy machinery on soil compaction are crucial for preserving soil quality and its ecological functions. The compaction induced by heavy equipment can result in decreased porosity, restricted root growth, and reduced water infiltration, which subsequently impairs soil fertility and overall ecosystem health. Implementing strategies such as controlled machinery operation, proper soil management practices, and the use of innovative soil restoration techniques can help alleviate these issues. By taking proactive steps to minimize soil compaction, we can maintain healthy soils, ensure sustainable agriculture, and protect the environment for future generations, fostering a harmonious coexistence between human activities and natur

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • To effectively integrate the hidden costs and benefits of agrifood systems into decision-making, it's crucial to apply a multi-faceted approach, which includes conducting Life Cycle Assessments to understand environmental impacts, implementing True Cost Accounting to reveal actual costs, including externalities, developing integrated policy frameworks that balance environmental, social, and economic goals, and engaging diverse stakeholders for a well-rounded perspective. Utilizing advanced technologies and data analytics is critical in tracking and managing the impacts while establishing clear sustainability indicators and benchmarks aids in monitoring progress. Raising awareness among consumers and producers about the effects of food production, investing in research and development for sustainable practices, redirecting financial incentives and subsidies towards eco-friendly methods, and fostering public-private partnerships for resource sharing are also essential. These combined efforts lead to a more sustainable and equitable food system.