FAO/WHO GIFT | Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool

L'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA) a organisé deux webinaires sur l'utilisation du système de classification FoodEx2 en septembre et octobre 2018. FoodEx2 est un système complet de classification et de description des aliments destiné à répondre au besoin de décrire les aliments de manière harmonisée dans les collectes de données. 
La plateforme FAO/WHO GIFT a été présentée à un public plus large lors de la série de webinaires du Réseau des Nations Unies pour le SUN en mars 2018.
The Accelerated Reduction Effort on Anaemia (AREA) Community of Practice held a webinar in December 2017 on how the FAO/WHO GIFT platform may strengthen food-based approaches to reduce iron deficiency.
Another round of webinars will be conducted this year with the aim of presenting the new prototype of the FAO/WHO GIFT platform to potential end-users and collect their feedback. The webinars will also provide an update on the status of collection, collation and dissemination of dietary data.
FAO and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (the Friedman School) at Tufts University have entered into a collaboration aiming to increase our understanding of what foods and nutrients people are actually consuming around the world.
In November 2015, several webinars will be conducted to illustrate the FAO/WHO GIFT prototype platform to potential end users with the objective of developing this tool in a participatory manner.