FAO-EU FLEGT Programme


Global Timber Forum looks to the future at Rome summit

12 May 2016
Leaders of timber federations, unions, syndicates and companies from around the world who have a collective interest in restoring consumer trust in the social, environmental and legal credentials of timber convened in Rome for the third meeting of the Global [...]

EU FLEGT Action Plan is working, says independent evaluation

04 May 2016
An independent evaluation report, published on 4 May 2016, confirms that the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan is a relevant and innovative response to the challenge of illegal logging and that the Action Plan has [...]

Colombia: New phase of the Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber launched

28 April 2016
Thursday saw the launch of Colombia's new phase of the "Pacto Intersectorial por la Madera Legal" to ensure timber extracted, commercialized and utilized comes exlusively from legal sources. The new phase emphasizes the use of new technology to trace timber.  [...]

Summary report from Forum on Forests and Peacebuilding in Colombia now available in English

08 March 2016
The summary report from the Forum on Forests and Peacebuilding: a post-conflict opportunity which took place in Bogota, Colombia on 20 August 2015, under the leadership of the National Government, the Delegation of the European Union in Colombia and the [...]

Colombia: Efforts to improve forest governance gaining momentum

11 February 2016
FAO FLEGT Programme members met this month with delegates from Colombia’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS) and the Regional Environmental Authority of Risaralda, CARDER, to assess progress and outcomes of FAO support towards Colombia’s Intersectoral Pact for Legal [...]
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