Year: 2021
The Second Advisory Roundtable on the Assessment of Inland Fisheries was convened in partnership with United States Geological Service (USGS), from 25 to 27 November 2019. It reviewed progress of work that had been initiated as a response to the [...]

Year: 2021
These guidelines illustrate recommendations for good practices on data collection in Eastern European inland fisheries, and in particular the Western Balkan region, based on the methodologies and approaches used in countries throughout Europe and from FAO experience of inland fisheries [...]

Year: 2020
Assessment of data-limited fish stocks is a rapidly evolving topic in marine fisheries, and is supported by an increasing focus on the socio-economic and ecological importance of small-scale fisheries. The challenges in such systems can be compounded in inland fisheries, [...]

Year: 2019
This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators [...]

Year: 2019
This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators [...]

Year: 2019
This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators [...]

Year: 2019
This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators [...]
Year: 2018
The recruitment of European eel from the ocean remained low in 2017. The glass eel recruitment compared to the 1960–1979 was only 1.6% in the North Sea and 8.7% in the Elsewhere Europe series, based on available dataseries. For the [...]
Year: 2017
This West Balkans Regional Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnostic Manual is a handbook whose main purpose is to facilitate the daily duties at aquaculture farms and provide a useful reference that will answer the majority of practical questions posed by official [...]
Year: 2015
The Lake Victoria Nile perch (NP) fishery (fishing and post-harvest activities) is a significant contributor to the social and economic development of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) Partner States (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda). The catch of NP has averaged [...]