مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 23-25 February 2005 -- Regional conference
Chief Veterinary Officers from the region, national scientists, representatives of international and regional organizations and donor representatives will discuss scientific advances, diagnosis, surveillance, prevention and control, rehabilitation and restructuring, trade and international cooperation and human health implications.

The Center for Animal Husbandry Research and Technology Transfer which belongs to the National Institute of Animal Husbandry of Viet Nam produces ducklings and chicks and supplies the farmers in the southern provinces. Following last year's Avian flu epidemic, this duck and poultry breeding farm moved to 50 km away from Ho Chi Minh City so as to reduce further contamination and business risks. Dr. Tuyen is the Centre's Vice-Director and was recently interviewed by FAO's Peter Lowrey. He had this to say:
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Ms. Nguyen Viet Nga is the Head of the Animal Health Subdepartment for Tien Giang province, near Ho Chi Minh City; a province where live thousands of poultry farmers who supply the city with poultry meat and eggs. Ms Nguyen Viet Nga regularly visits them and to protect them from the epidemic, she applies this 4 measure-strategy (You'll hear the interpreter's voice in the interview with Peter Lowrey, FAO):
1دقيقة 40ثانية
الموضوع: التنوّع الوراثي النباتي والحيواني
ن إنتاج: Peter Lowrey/L. Kambirigi
المرجع: 8061