
Civil Society
22 May 2013
OCP invites you to its fourth CSO dialogue this coming Friday 24 May from 1-2 pm in the Philippines Room (C277): FAO has the pleasure of welcoming: • Margaret Nakato, Executive Director of the World Forum of Fish Workers and Fish Harvesters (WFF); • Chandrika Sharma, Executive Secretary of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF); and • Naseegh Jaffer, Co-chair of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP). Proposed agenda:Moderator: Marcela Villarreal, Director of the Office of Communication, Partnerships and Advocacy • Opening remarks • Topics for discussion: o Current key issues for small scale fisheries;o CSO perspectives...
Civil Society
16 May 2013
Escuchemos las voces de la sociedad civil
El equipo de relaciones con la sociedad civil (OCPP) de la FAO ha puesto en marcha una serie de encuentros informales con representantes de la sociedad civil. Con el título "Civil Society Dialogues", este programa tiene el objetivo de proporcionar un espacio para el intercambio de experiencias y saberes entre los miembros de la sociedad civil y el personal de la FAO. Hasta la fecha, se han organizado tres de estos encuentros, contando con la partipación de las siguientes organizaciones: 1. Comité Internacional de Planificación para la Soberanía Alimentaria (CIP): coincidiendo con la reunión de la Comisión de Recursos Fitogenéticos,...
Civil Society
09 May 2013
Making their voices heard
Please join us for our third CSO dialogue this coming Wednesday 15 May from 1-2 pm in the Iran Room (B116 bis). FAO has the pleasure of welcoming Mirna Cunningham, current chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Proposed agenda Moderator: Marcela Villareal, Director of the Office of Communication, Partnerships and Advocacy Opening remarks Points for discussion: Permanent Forum’s key issues for 2013-2014 and linkages with FAO’s work; Entry points for greater FAO engagement on these matters; Perspectives on Strategic Objective 1: establishing enabling environments: creating spaces for meaningful participation of civil society actors among them indigenous peoples International Year of Family Farming 2014: opportunities for indigenous peoples’...
Civil Society
25 Apr 2013
New focus on partnerships with civil society organizations and the private sector
This week, FAO Council approved and adopted two important FAO partnerships strategies: FAO Strategy for Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations and FAO Strategy for Partnerships with the Private Sector. The approval of these revised strategies will allow FAO, especially at field level, to better establish partnerships with civil society and private sector stakeholders in its different activities as outlined in the Country Programming Frameworks (CPFs).    Implementation and Tools Both strategies identify six main areas of collaboration and two main levels of interaction (global level and decentralized level) and will be accompanied a by a...
Civil Society
15 Apr 2013
This is the first in a series of civil society organization (CSO) dialogues
The Office of Partnerships and Advocacy Branch (OCPP) is launching a series of CSO dialogues on key issues of concern to FAO. The dialogues provide a forum for civil society perspectives to be heard and discussed with FAO staff. The first session titled Plant Genetic Resources: perspectives from the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) will be held on Tuesday April 16th. The IPC will present its working group on seeds and agrobiodiversity.  IPC is an international network that brings together several global and regional organizations representing small scale food producers, fisherfolks, agricultural workers and indigenous peoples. It plays an active...