
La FAO y el CATIE: Impulso a una mejor tenencia y gestión responsable de los recursos


El acceso seguro y equitativo a los recursos naturales es clave para el desarrollo sostenible, y una buena gobernanza de la tenencia es crucial para determinar cómo las personas y las comunidades adquieren derechos de acceso y control de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques. Un acuerdo firmado entre la [...]

FAO meets Professors Yasuyoshi Sakai and Yosuke Yamashiki from Kyoto University


Partnerships Dialogue Series of FAO had the honour to have as a guest Dr Yasuyoshi Sakai, a renowned microbiologist and Professor at the Division of Applied Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. Professor Sakai discussed breakthroughs from Kyoto University, including on 'methanol economy', new seeds that [...]

Partnering to end hunger


Eradicating hunger is a challenge that FAO cannot - and should not - face alone. The Partnerships branch is responsible for developing and strengthening partnerships with non-state actors that will help to accomplish FAO’s mandate, including non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academia, research [...]