

Technical guidelines - Environmental Management Tool Kit volume1 The approach presented in Volume 1 is based on the...
Technical guidelines -  Environmental Management Tool Kit volume 2 Welcome to Volume 2 of the FAO Environmental Management Tool Kit (EMTK) for Obsolete Pesticides. The tool kit provides a practical set of methodologies to assist countries in the risk-based management of obsolete pesticides. The tool kit has been divided...
Technical guidelines - The purpose of these guidelines is to assist governments in taking the first step in the development and establishment of a basic reporting program for pesticide incidents, which have been defined as situations where pesticide exposure has resulted in a health or environmental problem. The...
Technical guidelines - These guidelines provide advice on the management of empty pesticide containers. The reuse of empty pesticide containers for storing food and water, represents a major health risk. Containers abandoned in the environment can lead to pesticide pollution in soil and groundwater. A container management scheme can minimize these...
Technical guidelines - These guidelines are designed to provide a user-friendly approach for governments and other stakeholders, including NGOs, the pesticide industry, and other industries, to participate effectively in monitoring observance under the revised Code of Conduct. The Guidelines identify information to be gathered and ways to ensure...