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Manual for integrated field data collection

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    Book (stand-alone)
    National forest inventory field manual - Template 2004
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    This field manual contains definitions and procedures used to plan and perform a national forest inventory and assessment following the approach developed by the Forest Resources Assessment programme (FRA) of the FAO. The methodology, based on nation-wide field sampling, has already been tested and implemented in several countries since year 2000 (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Philippines, Cameroon and Lebanon). The purpose of the national forest inventory (NFI) is to assess forest resources and tree r esources outside forest and to provide new qualitative and quantitative information on the state, use, management and trends of these resources. The assessment covers a large range of biophysical and socio-economic variables and thus, provides a broad and holistic view of land use for the country as a whole. In particular, the information will be used to plan, design and implement national and international policies and strategies for sustainable use and conservation of forestry ecosystems, and to understand the relationship between resources and users of the forest and tree resources. The first part of the manual describes the adopted sampling design and the distribution and configuration of the tracts where measurements are carried out. The second part deals with the forest type/land use classification adopted to carry out the inventory. Recommendations to undertake data collection in the field are presented in the third part. In part four the field forms are described in detail. The Appendices provide some tools and methods for measuring the variables such as diameter, height, horizontal distance, a guide for the use of Global Positioning System receivers (GPS) as well as techniques and recommendations to carry out interviews and group discussions.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Manuel pour le relevé intégré de données sur le terrain 2009
    Ce manuel décrit la méthodologie de relevé de données sur le terrain ainsi que les procédés utilisés pour établir un inventaire et suivre l’évolution des ressources forestières et de l’utilisation des terres suivant l’approche développée par le Programme d’appui au suivi et à l’évaluation des ressources forestières nationales (SERFN) de la FAO. La méthodologie, qui repose sur un échantillonnage du pays, sur le relevé de données sur le terrain et sur la télédétection, a été mise en oeuvre dans pl usieurs pays depuis 2000 à travers des inventaires forestiers nationaux (notamment au Bangladesh, au Cameroun, au Congo, au Costa Rica, au Guatemala, au Honduras, au Liban, au Nicaragua et dans les Philippines).
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Manual para la recolección integrada de datos de campo 2009
    Este manual proporciona directrices y descripciones de la metodología y procedimientos utilizados para el inventario y seguimiento de los recursos forestales y de otros usos de la tierra, siguiendo el método desarrollado por el programa de la FAO para apoyar el Monitoreo y Evaluación de Recursos Forestales Nacionales (MERFN). La metodología, basada en el muestreo y recolección de datos de campo a nivel de país, se ha aplicado en varios países a través de evaluaciones forestales nacionales desde el año 2000, incluyendo Bangladesh, Camerún, Congo, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Líbano, Nicaragua y Filipinas.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    National forest inventory field manual - Template 2004
    Also available in:

    This field manual contains definitions and procedures used to plan and perform a national forest inventory and assessment following the approach developed by the Forest Resources Assessment programme (FRA) of the FAO. The methodology, based on nation-wide field sampling, has already been tested and implemented in several countries since year 2000 (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Philippines, Cameroon and Lebanon). The purpose of the national forest inventory (NFI) is to assess forest resources and tree r esources outside forest and to provide new qualitative and quantitative information on the state, use, management and trends of these resources. The assessment covers a large range of biophysical and socio-economic variables and thus, provides a broad and holistic view of land use for the country as a whole. In particular, the information will be used to plan, design and implement national and international policies and strategies for sustainable use and conservation of forestry ecosystems, and to understand the relationship between resources and users of the forest and tree resources. The first part of the manual describes the adopted sampling design and the distribution and configuration of the tracts where measurements are carried out. The second part deals with the forest type/land use classification adopted to carry out the inventory. Recommendations to undertake data collection in the field are presented in the third part. In part four the field forms are described in detail. The Appendices provide some tools and methods for measuring the variables such as diameter, height, horizontal distance, a guide for the use of Global Positioning System receivers (GPS) as well as techniques and recommendations to carry out interviews and group discussions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Manuel pour le relevé intégré de données sur le terrain 2009
    Ce manuel décrit la méthodologie de relevé de données sur le terrain ainsi que les procédés utilisés pour établir un inventaire et suivre l’évolution des ressources forestières et de l’utilisation des terres suivant l’approche développée par le Programme d’appui au suivi et à l’évaluation des ressources forestières nationales (SERFN) de la FAO. La méthodologie, qui repose sur un échantillonnage du pays, sur le relevé de données sur le terrain et sur la télédétection, a été mise en oeuvre dans pl usieurs pays depuis 2000 à travers des inventaires forestiers nationaux (notamment au Bangladesh, au Cameroun, au Congo, au Costa Rica, au Guatemala, au Honduras, au Liban, au Nicaragua et dans les Philippines).
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Manual para la recolección integrada de datos de campo 2009
    Este manual proporciona directrices y descripciones de la metodología y procedimientos utilizados para el inventario y seguimiento de los recursos forestales y de otros usos de la tierra, siguiendo el método desarrollado por el programa de la FAO para apoyar el Monitoreo y Evaluación de Recursos Forestales Nacionales (MERFN). La metodología, basada en el muestreo y recolección de datos de campo a nivel de país, se ha aplicado en varios países a través de evaluaciones forestales nacionales desde el año 2000, incluyendo Bangladesh, Camerún, Congo, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Líbano, Nicaragua y Filipinas.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    National forest inventory field manual - Template 2004
    Also available in:

    This field manual contains definitions and procedures used to plan and perform a national forest inventory and assessment following the approach developed by the Forest Resources Assessment programme (FRA) of the FAO. The methodology, based on nation-wide field sampling, has already been tested and implemented in several countries since year 2000 (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Philippines, Cameroon and Lebanon). The purpose of the national forest inventory (NFI) is to assess forest resources and tree r esources outside forest and to provide new qualitative and quantitative information on the state, use, management and trends of these resources. The assessment covers a large range of biophysical and socio-economic variables and thus, provides a broad and holistic view of land use for the country as a whole. In particular, the information will be used to plan, design and implement national and international policies and strategies for sustainable use and conservation of forestry ecosystems, and to understand the relationship between resources and users of the forest and tree resources. The first part of the manual describes the adopted sampling design and the distribution and configuration of the tracts where measurements are carried out. The second part deals with the forest type/land use classification adopted to carry out the inventory. Recommendations to undertake data collection in the field are presented in the third part. In part four the field forms are described in detail. The Appendices provide some tools and methods for measuring the variables such as diameter, height, horizontal distance, a guide for the use of Global Positioning System receivers (GPS) as well as techniques and recommendations to carry out interviews and group discussions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Manuel pour le relevé intégré de données sur le terrain 2009
    Ce manuel décrit la méthodologie de relevé de données sur le terrain ainsi que les procédés utilisés pour établir un inventaire et suivre l’évolution des ressources forestières et de l’utilisation des terres suivant l’approche développée par le Programme d’appui au suivi et à l’évaluation des ressources forestières nationales (SERFN) de la FAO. La méthodologie, qui repose sur un échantillonnage du pays, sur le relevé de données sur le terrain et sur la télédétection, a été mise en oeuvre dans pl usieurs pays depuis 2000 à travers des inventaires forestiers nationaux (notamment au Bangladesh, au Cameroun, au Congo, au Costa Rica, au Guatemala, au Honduras, au Liban, au Nicaragua et dans les Philippines).
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Manual para la recolección integrada de datos de campo 2009
    Este manual proporciona directrices y descripciones de la metodología y procedimientos utilizados para el inventario y seguimiento de los recursos forestales y de otros usos de la tierra, siguiendo el método desarrollado por el programa de la FAO para apoyar el Monitoreo y Evaluación de Recursos Forestales Nacionales (MERFN). La metodología, basada en el muestreo y recolección de datos de campo a nivel de país, se ha aplicado en varios países a través de evaluaciones forestales nacionales desde el año 2000, incluyendo Bangladesh, Camerún, Congo, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Líbano, Nicaragua y Filipinas.

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