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Standardizing land cover mapping for tsetse and trypanosomiasis decision making

PAAT technical and scientific series 8

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    Long-term tse-tse and trypanosomiasis management options in West Africa 2004
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    Tsetse-transmitted animal trypanosomiasis is a complex disease that directly and indirectly has an impact on Africa’s crop and livestock agricultural development. In this paper, state-of-the-art spatial tools are applied to study the variety of agro- ecological settings in West Africa with a view to providing decision support to the management of the tsetse and trypanosomiasis ( T& problem according to the prevailing agro- ecological conditions. Based on the analytical mapping of dominant lives tock systems, land- use patterns, integration of livestock and crop agriculture ( mixed farming) and geoclimatic factors affecting tsetse ecology ( northern dry band with fragmented tsetse populations and southern humid band where tsetse are widespread), priority areas for T& T intervention were identified. These areas are situated the northern band of the tsetse belt where: • tsetse populations are fragmented ( and therefore vulnerable) or confined only to suitable vegetation along main river courses; • fly reinvasion risk is minimal due to land pressure and adverse climatic conditions for tsetse; and • integration of crop and livestock agriculture prevails. In these areas, the elimination of the fly and the disease may be achievable and consolidated through the expansion and intensification of mixed farming, leading to maximal yield benefits when expressed in terms of sustainable agriculture and rural development.
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    Book (series)
    Geospatial datasets and analyses for an environmental approach to African trypanosomiasis
    PAAT technical and scientific series 9
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    Geospatial datasets and analysis techniques based on geographic information systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a wide range of development programmes, including actions addressing sustainable agriculture and rural development. The growing volume of spatially explicit environmental information, combined with the widening utilization of GIS, allows ecological and socioeconomic factors to be integrated more fully into the decision-making process, thus laying the foundation for a holistic approach to development. This publication provides a cross-section of actual and potential applications of GIS in the context of interventions against tsetse and trypanosomiasis (T&T). It aims to promote the sharing of knowledge and harmonization of methodologies among the wide range of actors concerned with the T&T problem. In the first section, a selection of geospatial datasets available in the public domai n is reviewed through the lens of their possible use within T&T interventions. This review is followed by three case studies from two countries affected by trypanosomiasis (Burkina Faso and Botswana). The case studies provide examples of the application of GIS in operational scenarios and pay particular attention to data collection, management and analysis in the context of area-wide integrated management of tsetse and trypanosomiasis.
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    Matching land cover and tsetse habitat 2013
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    The present study explores the relationship between tsetse vegetation types and standardized land cover datasets, produced in compliance with the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). The analysis at continental level uses coarse resolution datasets (1-5 km) to explore the broad patterns of the association between tsetse fly and land cover. At a higher resolution, the customization of national maps of land cover of eight tsetse infested East African countries (FAO - Africover) provides va luable input to support the planning and implementation of trypanosomiasis control interventions.

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