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Responsible fish utilization

FAO Fisheries Department. Responsible fish utilization. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 7. Rome, FAO. 1998. 33p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    负责任鱼品利用 2000
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    These guidelines have been produced to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries particularly with regard to the need for responsibility in the post-harvest sector of the fish producing industry. The industry that produces fish for food has three major areas of responsibility: to the consumer of the food to ensure that it is safe to eat, is of expected quality and nutritional value, to the resource to ensure that it is not wasted and to the envir onment to ensure that negative impacts are minimized. In addition the industry has a responsibility to itself to ensure the continued ability of many millions of people throughout the world to earn a gainful living from working within the industry. Article 11.1 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other related parts of the Code are concerned particularly with these responsibilities. This publication provides annotation to and guidance on these articles to assist those c harged with implementation of the Code to identify possible courses of action necessary to ensure that the industry is conducted in a sustainable manner.
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    Book (series)
    Aquaculture development. 1997
    Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production systems in the world, with the bulk of its output currently being produced within developing countries, and with expectations for aquaculture to continue its contributions to food security and poverty alleviation. The vast majority of aquaculture practices around the world have been pursued with significant nutritional and social benefits, and generally with little or no environmental costs. However, it is essential for current efforts ai ming at the future success of aquaculture in both developing and developed countries, that potential social and environmental problems are duly addressed in order to ensure that aquaculture develops sustainably. This document provides annotations to the Principles of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. These annotations are meant to serve as general guidance, and should be taken as suggestions or observations intended to assist those interested in identifying their o wn criteria and options for actions, as well as partners for collaboration, in support of sustainable aquaculture development. Given the diversity in aquaculture and the sometimes different perceptions of "sustainability", more balanced and informed approaches are required to address developmental and environmental issues at any given location. Commitment for collaboration, constructive dialogues among responsible partners, and participation of aquafarmers and their communities are importan t when assigning responsibilities for sustainable development of aquaculture. Providing an enabling environment for sustainable development in aquaculture is the responsibility of people in governments and their institutions, social and natural scientists, media, financial institutions, special interest groups, including social and private sector associations, as well as of aquaculture producers, manufacturers and suppliers of inputs, processors and traders of aquaculture products. Commitme nt to understanding, fairness and responsible attitudes in consultations and negotiations between countries or regions will also help sustainable aquaculture development.

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