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Fishing operations.

FAO Fishing Technology Service. Fishing operations. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 1. Rome, FAO. 1996. 26p. 6 annexes.

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    Book (series)
    COFI - Report of the twentieth session of the Committee on Fisheries. Rome, 15-19 March 1993. 1993
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    The Twentieth Session of the Committee on Fisheries held from 15 to 19 March 1993 gave unanimous support to FAO initiating the elaboration of a Code of Conduct on Responsible Fishing and endorsed the proposed possible content, priorities and time-frame for its elaboration and adoption. The Committee recommended that in elaborating the Code, priority should be given to the sections on Fishing Operations, Fair Trade Practices, Aquaculture, Development and Integration of Coastal Fisheries in Coastal Area and Management. The Committee expressed satisfaction that FAO would contribute to the forthcoming UN Conference on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Species and assist the Secretariat of the Conference on technical issues. A Working Group was established by the Committee to deal with the issue of Flagging of Vessels Fishing on the High Seas, but the Committee agreed that a further technical meeting was required in order to finalize a Draft Agreement on that issue. The Committee endorsed the action proposed as a follow-up to the International Study on Fishery Research Needs of Developing Countries (SIFR) including the reconstitution of the Advisoiy Committee on Marine Resources Research (ACMRR) as the Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR). A substantive technical debate took place on the situation of world fisheries ten years after the adoption of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and specifically highlighted some of th e issues affecting the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture. The Committee reviewed progress in implementing both the regular and field programmes of FAO in fisheries noting the importance of regional collaboration in the development and management of fisheries, as well as the protection of environment. The Committee endorsed the medium-term perspectives 1994-99 and the Programme of Work and Budget in Fisheries for 1994-95.
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    Book (series)
    Opérations de pêche 1999
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    Conformément aux recommandations du Comité des pêches (COFI), la FAO avait préparé une première version du Projet de directives techniques relatives aux Opérations de pêche qui avaient été soumises à la Consultation technique sur le Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable, tenue du 26 septembre au 5 octobre 1994 à Rome. Ce projet a été élaboré en prenant en compte la Déclaration de Cancún, Agenda 21 de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (CNUED), et le Rap port de la Consultation d’experts sur les opérations de pêche responsable qui s’est tenue du 6 au 11 juin 1994 à Sidney, Colombie britannique, Canada. Le projet fut ensuite révisé en tenant compte des négociations menées lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les stocks chevauchants et les grands migrateurs, l'élaboration du Code, ainsi que des développements intervenus au niveau de l'Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) lors de l’examen du Protocole sur la Convention internationale de Torremolinos sur la sûreté des navires de pêche et la nouvelle Convention sur la formation et la qualification des Chefs de quarts de navires de pêche, 1995. Des directives techniques viennent appuyer la mise en oeuvre du Code dans le cadre des opérations de pêche. Elles s’adressent aux Etats; organisations internationales; organes chargés de la gestion des pêcheries, propriétaires, exploitants et affréteurs de navires de pêche ainsi qu’aux pêcheurs et associations de pêcheurs. Des indicat ions sont également données au grand public.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Implementation Guidelines on Part B of the Code, the Voluntary Guidelines and the Safety Recommendations 2014
    The Implementation Guidelines are intended for the attention of maritime, labour and fisheries ministries and any other relevant government ministry as and when it is decided to implement the three FAO/ILO/IMO instruments on the design, construction and equipment of fishing vessels of all types and sizes. Those instruments are Part B of the Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels, the Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels, and the Safet y Recommendations for Decked Fishing Vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and Undecked Fishing Vessels. While the intention is not to provide a single prescription to improve safety, the Guidelines do seek to raise awareness and offer guidance on a broad range of issues which must be addressed in an effective and holistic manner. In this regard, the cooperation and coordination between maritime, labour and fisheries administrations is important, particularly where the responsibilities for safety of fishing vessels are divided under relevant Acts. The Implementation Guidelines cover areas such as: development of a safety strategy; legal implications; administrative requirements; capacity-building; training of crew members; enforcement of regulations; and operational safety. Although the main purpose of the Implementation Guidelines is to assist competent authorities in the implementation of voluntary instruments, it could also be useful when implementing the provisions of the Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977.

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