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The global status of seaweed production, trade and utilization. Globefish Research Programme Volume 124

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    Genetic resources for farmed seaweeds
    Thematic background study
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    The increasing global population needs to source food from the ocean, which is a much greater area than the land. The ocean is rich with diversified flora and fauna, and both are sources of proteins, vitamins, minerals, phytohormones, and bioactive compounds. Thousands of species of macroalgae (seaweed) dominate the vegetation of the seafloor from the intertidal to the subtidal zone. The domestication of several economically important seaweed such as Saccharina, Undaria and Pyropia in China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, and Kappaphycus and Eucheuma in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania led to the intensive commercial cultivation of these seaweeds. Except for the United Republic of Tanzania, the commercial farming of seaweed, both temperate and tropical species, is centred in Asia. Despite the presence of several economically important seaweeds outside Asia, commercial farming is practised only in a few of non-Asian countries. These include Chile for Gracilaria and Macrocystis (Buschmann et al., 2001); France for Palmaria palmata, Porphyra umbilicalis and Undaria pinnatifida (Netalgae); and Canada for Saccharina latissima in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) (Chopin et al., 2013) and Chondrus crispus. Trial cultivation of Saccharina spp. and P. palmata is now taking place in Western Europe. Seaweeds are farmed mainly for food such as sea vegetables and food ingredients (Bixler and Porse, 2011), as well as feed (Wilke et al., 2015; Norambuena et al., 2015). However, there is increasing interest in their use for biorefinery products that require a vast amount of biomass which must be farmed.
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    Effects of Trade Liberalization on the World Sugar Market 1999
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    The purpose of this report is to present and discuss findings of a study of trade liberalization on the World sugar market. The study considers the following scenarios: (a) the effects of trade liberalization from the Uruguay Round (UR), (b) the effects of complete global trade liberalization, (c) the effects of partial trade liberalization, (d) the effects of complete trade liberalization in the industrialized countries, (e) the effects of partial trade liberalization in the industrialized coun tries, (f) the effects of complete trade liberalization in the major developing countries (Brazil, China, Indonesia, and Republic of Korea), and (g) the effects of partial trade liberalization in the major developing countries. The analysis focused on changes in the world sugar price and on changes in production, consumption, stock changes, and net trade in the 42 countries and/or regions: USA, Canada, European Union, Other Western Europe, Poland, Other Eastern Europe, Former USSR, Japan, Austra lia, New Zealand, Fiji, Rest of Oceania, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Korea, Bangladesh, Other Asia, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Other Latin America, South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Malawi, Tanzania, Egypt, Mauritius, Rest of Africa, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Other Near Eastern countries. In addition to these countries, analysis of trade liberalization on the ACP countries and SIS aggregate was also conducted, includi ng an analysis of the effects on these aggregates from revision of the ACP/EC Protocol. Also, a separate analysis was conducted on the impact of selected trade scenarios on individual ACP countries and developing export and import countries.
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    Support to Seaweed Cultivation, Processing and Marketing through Assessment and Capacity Development - TCP/BGD/3704 2022
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    Seaweed farming is a profitable industry in many countries in Southeast Asia, including Japan, Malaysia and China, and it is growing in Sri Lanka and India as well Bangladesh has a great deal of potential for seaweed culture, thanks to its 480 km of coastline, sandy and muddy beaches, estuaries and mangrove swamps, all of which are ideal habitats for seaweed cultivation In addition, the country boasts 133 different species of seaweed, and eight of these are highly marketable Despite having an ideal environment, the country has lagged significantly behind other countries in the region in terms of seaweed production.

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