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    Book (series)
    动物遗传资源表型特征鉴定 2014
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    2007年通过的《动物遗传资源全球行动计划》,是家畜部门生物多样性管理的第一个国际性商定框架。该行动计划要求制定技术准则,目的是支持开展此项工作的那些国家。联合国粮农组织于2009年出版了《动物遗传资源国家战略与行动计划编制》准则,而后又通过一系列针对具体技术主题的准则出版物来对其加以补充。关于《动物遗传资源表型特征鉴定》准则,主要讨论了全球行动计划的战略优先领域1这一部分的问题 — 特征鉴定、清单编制与趋势及相关风险监测。该准则特别补充了分子遗传特征鉴定及动物遗传资源监测的准则。该准则已得到了粮食与农业遗传资源委员会认可。本准则就如何开展目标明确且成本效益好的表型特征鉴定研究这一问题给出了一些建议,而且在国家层面执行全球行动计划这一背景下,所要进行的表型特征鉴定研究将有助于粮食与农业动物遗传资源管理的改进。该准则首先对基于表型特征鉴定的概念与方法进行了概述,跟随其后的是关于实地考察、数据管理与数据分析策划与执行的实用指导。附录部分主要包括家畜种类表型特征鉴定研究的通用数据收集格式,以及关于品种生产环境的数据记录框架。
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    Book (stand-alone)
    实施 动物遗传资源全球行动计划 的供资战略- 修订版 2014
    由粮食及农业组织遗传资源委员会第十二届例会于2009年10月通 过(CGRFA-12/09/报告-附录 C)并于2013年4月由粮食和农业遗 传资源委员会第十四届例会修订(CGRFA-14/13/Report–附录G.1 和 附录G.2).目 标 供资战略的目标是为提高大笔和额外财政资源的可获得性、透明 度、效率和效益及加强国际合作,对于发展中国家和经济转型国家在实 施《动物遗传资源全球行动计划》(《全球行动计划》)方面的努力予 以支持和补充。 供资战略之目的 供资战略旨在: • 努力从所有可能的渠道筹集更多的必要财政资源,包括双边、区域 和多边渠道;各国的自愿捐款;基金会、私营部门、非政府组织和 其他来源;通过粮农组织的正常计划资源继续支持该项计划,向发 展中国家和经济转型国家[及时]提供支持,对他们[各自]实施《全 球行动计划》的努力予以补充。 • 加强国际合作以增强能力建设,包括根据国家的具体需要,为改 进动物遗传资源管理提供培训和技术转让,由粮农组织提供技术 援助,促进各国、各相关国际组织和机构之间开展合作和建立伙 伴关系。
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    Comprehensive Report IOTC-OFCF Project Phase II (June 2007 ~ March 2010) 2014
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    Since April 2002, in the framework of the IOTC-OFCF Project, the Indian Ocean Tu Commission (IOTC) and the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation of Japan (OFCF) have been devoting a considerable amount of time and resources to enhancing data collection and processing systems for tu fisheries in the developing countries of the IOTC region. For this purpose, the Project initiated a broad range of activities involving cooperation with institutions in the recipient countries, including:   strength ening of data collection through extension of field activities; capacity-building activities in the areas of data collection and magement, including database support; documentation of fisheries in the IOTC region; and recovery of historical data on fisheries targeting tu or tu-like species. Phase I of the Project was implemented during five years, from April 2002 to March 2007. The activities initiated during Phase I contributed substantially to improving the quality of the data in the IOTC data bases, in particular the quality of nomil catches and size-frequency data for the fleets involved. Following the success of Phase I of the Project, the OFCF agreed to support the implementation of a new phase which would extend the activities of the Project for a maximum of three years, from 2007 to 2010. The present report covers the activities of the IOTC-OFCF Project during Phase II, and also includes an overview of the activities implemented through Phase I and the current status of implemen tation of the recommendations issuing from those activities. The following activities were implemented by the Project during Phase II: Comoros: The Project sent a mission to assess the status of data collection in that country. Indonesia: The Project provided equipment and materials for enhancing effort data collection for the Indonesian fresh tu longline vessels. A workshop on the Indonesia logbook programme was held in May 2009, with the collaboration of the Indonesian Directorate General of C apture Fisheries and other tiol and intertiol organizations, including the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tu (CCSBT), in order to assist in initiating Indonesia’s own programme. Kenya: The Project carried out verification of the data collected from the sport fisheries of Kenya that were compiled during Phase I of the Project. Mauritius: The Project sent a mission to assess the importance of foreign fresh-tu lon gline fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean region. Oman: Sampling programmes were carried out in Oman for collecting size data for three species caught by the artisal fisheries in the Arabian Sea from January 2009 to December 2009. Thailand: The Project contributed to the establishment of a data-processing system for industrial tu purse seiners registered in Thailand. Yemen: The Project sent missions in order to assess the status of data collection in that country and propose further actions to improve the quality of the statistics available from Yemen. The Project agreed to provide support for the compilation and computerization of historical data from the artisal fisheries in Yemen; unfortutely, the Project was uble to filize the agreement for these activities to be initiated within Phase II of the Project. The Project contributed substantially to improving the quality of the statistics available at the IOTC, including better catch, effort and, in particular, size-frequency data. In addition, the Project addressed recommendations concerning the fisheries under study which, if implemented by the institutions concerned, may lead to significant improvements in the area of data collection, processing and reporting. On numerous occasions, the IOTC Scientific Committee and other IOTC technical bodies stressed the importance of the activities initiated by the Project, noting that the information collected is of key importance for the assessments of some of the main IOTC stocks.

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