

2015 - Eayrs, S. & Suuronen, P.
This document is the final report of the Symposium on Impacts of Fishing on the Environment arranged by the ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) and held from 6 to 10 May 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand....
2015 - GESAMP
This report provides an update and further assessment of the sources, fate and effects of microplastics in the marine environment, carried out by Working Group 40 (WG40) of GESAMP (The Joint Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine Protection)....
2015 - GESAMP
Plastics have become indispensable in many areas of modern life, used for clothing, storage, transportation, packaging, construction and a host of consumer goods. One of plastics greatest properties, its durability, is also one of the main reasons that plastics present...
Technical Paper
2014 - FAO
This publication is the third in a series on bycatch in global tuna fisheries. Dealing with longline fisheries, its scope is defined taxonomically to comprise only non-tuna and non-tuna-like species. The history of longline fishing illustrates the role of new...
2014 - FAO
作为生计、营养食品和经济机遇的重要来源,渔业和水 产养殖部门能够发挥关键作用,应对世界最严峻的挑战之一, 即到2050年养活即将达到96亿的全球人口。本期《世界渔业 和水产养殖状况》介绍水产养殖在数量增加和质量改进两方 面如何保持其显著增长。然而,为满足不断壮大的人口规模 所带来的日益增长的需求,整个部门需要在气候变化、自然 资源竞争日益激烈和利益冲突背景下可持续地提高产量并减 少浪费。科学、技术和治理的进步以及全球认识和承诺的加 强,均有助于实现负责任和可持续水生资源利用的目标。为 推动增加鱼和渔产品供应,采取生态系统方法且保障社会权 利的创新方法旨在保护宝贵资源,造福今世后代。 本文件利用渔业和水产养殖方面的现有最新统计数据, 对该部门的全球状况和趋势做出分析。本文件还探讨了更广 泛的相关问题,如鲨鱼养护与管理、小规模渔业收获后损失 以及有利于鱼类的内陆水资源管理等。部分要点针对权属治 理和渔业副产品利用等具体主题提出了见解。本文件最后探 讨了满足未来鱼类需求的展望和方法。 在这里下载。