
Right to Food Guidelines +10. Art Exhibition

Events - 15.12.1999

Art Exhibition in collaboration with

In the context of the celebration of the Ten-Year Retrospective on the Right to Food Guidelines, FAO is pleased to present an art exhibition organized in collaboration with the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA). Talented young students from the RUFA contribute to raising awareness on the right to food and its different dimensions through the realization of works of art made using various art techniques. The exhibition features three artistic fields: photography, fashion design and engraving.




The photographic part of the exhibition is divided in a documentary photography section and a black and white section, with a special post production technique. Selected photographs are part of students’ specific portfolios on the issue of the right to food.

Authors of the documentary section: Susanna Buscaini, Valentina Chiodi, Cecilia Milza, Laura Pierangeli, Stefania Ricchi, Zhuang Xuenying.
Author of the black and white section: Eleonora Cerri Pecorella.
Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Carpentieri

Fashion design

The fashion design part of the exhibition is represented by the dress "Cibus Omnia" originally made for World Food Day 2007, which main theme was the right to food.

Authors: Irene Iorno, Francesca Linchi
Coordinator: Prof. Vincenzo Caruso


The engraving part of the exhibition showcases letterpress printing, a technique herewith used with a polychrome wood cut method to emphasize parts of the Right to Food Guidelines in English, French and Spanish. This project is the result of a workshop held at the International Centre "Opificio della Rosa" (Montefiore Conca, Rimini, Italy) with the students of the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. Carta Fabriano - Fedrigoni SpA, Compagnia degli Inchiostri and Città di Mondovì - Museo Civico della Stampa kindly sponsored the realization of this work of art and provided all the material needed for its realization.

Authors: Vitoria Bastos, Christophe Constantin, Manami Kumagai, Kannie Lam, Cecilia Milza, Lin Yin Nan, Francesco Palluzzi, Lin Shen
Coordinators: Prof. Maria Pina Bentivenga, Prof. Umberto Giovannini

