

Right to Food Thematic Study 3, 2014.
This thematic study examines the legal advances of the right to food since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2004. The study explores legislative and judicial developments in areas of constitutional law, framework laws and sectoral laws of different countries. Following this overview of the legal foundation, the study examines the justiciability of the right to food.

关键词: 全球研究 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 国家立法 - 追索机制

Right to Food Thematic Study 4, 2014.
This thematic study reviews international instruments which demonstrate a shift towards a human rights based approach to natural resources in the ten years since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines along with national level examples of success and challenges in addressing gender and the concerns of vulnerable groups in sectors such as land, fisheries and forestry.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国家立法 - 政策

Right to Food Thematic Study 5, 2014.
This thematic study takes a retrospective glance at social protection related developments from 2004 to 2014 considering the recommendations of Guidelines 8, 13, 14 and measures for international cooperation and partnership for promoting the right to adequate food. It presents the trajectory of a human rights-based approach to social protection across policy spaces and food security intervention contexts.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 政策 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策

Right to Food Thematic Study 6, 2014.
This Thematic Study analyzes Guidelines 10 and 11 on Nutrition, and Education and Awareness Raising respectively. The objective of this Thematic Study is to show, through current global processes and debates and country-level best practices, how nutrition is an integral part of the right to food, and how education and awareness raising are essential vehicles to facilitate its fulfilment.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国际法 - 分析 - 指标 - 具体目标 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Thematic Study 7, 2014.
This study takes stock of the progress made and the challenges faced over the last ten years in the international dimensions of the right to adequate food, as they relate to international trade and investment, development and humanitarian cooperation policies, and development loans and debts. It was conducted as part of the ten-year retrospective on the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2014.

关键词: 全球研究 - 国际法 - 分析 - 协调

Right to Food Study, 2014.
The publication demonstrates the conceptual and practical relevance of the right to adequate food to emergency programming by referring to pertinent normative and operational framework documents. It provides guidance on how to integrate the right to adequate food and related human rights principles in to emergency programmes and projects.

关键词: 形势分析 - 赋权 - 权益 - 义务 - 具体目标
语言版本: Español
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 赋权 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养
关键词: 宣传倡导 - 粮食安全与营养
