
Exigibilidade: Mechanisms to claim the human right to adequate food in Brazil

Authors: Thaís Franceschini, Valéria Burity and Luisa Cruz

Right to Food Study, 2011.

The Exigibilidade study is an advocacy tool which provides practical examples on how to implement the right to food at country level. The study underlines the very important role of the civil society in creating mechanisms to make the state accountable for violations of the right to adequate food. In Brazil, important institutional advances towards the development of instruments to claim, investigate and monitor the realization of the right to food have been set up. This document aims at presenting those innovative mechanisms, so that the civil society and governments in other countries can benefit from these experiences.

类别: 调研
关键词: 宣传倡导, 法律问题, 国际法, 国家立法, 追索机制
