FAO in Somalia


23 August 2010
Nairobi The number of people needing humanitarian assistance in Somalia has dropped by 25 percent to 2 million in the last six months, easing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, according to a UN study published today. But the report, by the Nairobi-based Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit...
20 July 2010
Nairobi Famine in Somalia has killed tens of thousands of people in recent months and could grow even worse unless urgent action is taken, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned on Wednesday. FAO has appealed for $120 million for response to the drought in the Horn of Africa to...
20 June 2010
Nairobi The humanitarian crisis in Somalia is expected to deepen in the 2nd half of 2011 with food prices hitting a new record high, the United Nations warned on Monday. This is following two consecutive poor rainy seasons, -- depriving many more people of food in the Horn of Africa nation....
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