Tenth Session of the Conference (Rome, 31 October - 20 November 1959) |
Resolution | Title |
1/59 | Arrangements for the Session |
2/59 | Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Commissions |
3/59 | Agenda of the Session |
4/59 | Plan for the General Discussion |
5/59 | Drafting Committee |
6/59 | Submission of Credentials |
7/59 | Election of Members and Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council |
8/59 | Admission of Observers |
9/59 | Agriculture Price Stabilization and Support Policies |
10/59 | International Trade in Agricultural Products |
11/59 | Operation and Adequacy of FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal and Guiding Lines |
12/59 | Possible Joint Session of CCP and CICT |
13/59 | Freedom-from-Hunger Campaign |
14/59 | Social Welfare |
15/59 | Creation of a Latin American Regional Agrarian Research and Training Institute |
16/59 | Creation of a Southeast Asian Regional Agrarian Research and Training Institute |
17/59 | Mediterranean Development Project |
18/59 | Regional Office for Africa |
19/59 | The Sixth Regional Conference for Latin America |
20/59 | Development of Milk Production |
21/59 | Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control |
22/59 | Livestock Disease Control |
23/59 | Fishery Statistics in the North Atlantic Area |
24/59 | Regional Fisheries Consultative Body, West Africa |
25/59 | Regional Fisheries Consultative Body, Western South Atlantic |
26/59 | African Forestry Commission |
27/59 | North American Forestry Commission |
28/59 | Management and Conservation of Natural Resources |
29/59 | Quick-Growing Species and Tree Improvement Programs |
30/59 | Pulp and Paper Development |
31/59 | Soils and Water |
32/59 | Co-ordination of Agricultural and Forestry Activities in the Field of Land Use Policies |
33/59 | Agricultural and Forestry Activities in Watershed Management |
34/59 | Food Consumption Surveys |
35/59 | Methods of Food Processing and Preservation |
36/59 | Training of Personnel in Nutrition and Associated Fields |
37/59 | Working Party on Cacao Production |
38/59 | Working Party on Coconut Production, Protection and Processing |
39/59 | Certification of Herbage Seed |
40/59 | Crop Protection Activities |
41/59 | Prevention of Losses in Stored Grains |
42/59 | Forward Appraisal of FAO Programs |
43/59 | Designation of the World Seed Year |
44/59 | United Nations Special Fund |
45/59 | Study of Trends in Rice Production, Consumption and Trade |
46/59 | Establishment of Statistics Advisory Committee |
47/59 | Appointment of an Additional Statistician to Latin America |
48/59 | Central Tabulation of Data |
49/59 | Exchange of Information on Research |
50/59 | Public Information Service of FAO |
51/59 | Facilities for Broadcasting |
52/59 | Co-operation of Member Governments in the Dissemination of Information about FAO |
53/59 | Appropriations |
54/59 | Majority Required for Decisions on the Level of the Budget |
55/59 | Transfer of Rule XXII of the Rules adopted by the Conference to Article XX of the Constitution |
56/59 | Increase in the Membership of the Council |
57/59 | Increase in the Membership of the Council |
58/59 | Attendance at Private Meetings of the Council |
59/59 | Multiple Elections |
60/59 | International Chestnut Commission |
61/59 | International Poplar Commission |
62/59 | Terms of Reference of Bodies Established under Article VI |
63/59 | Rules of Procedure of Article VI Bodies |
64/59 | Membership of Non-Member Nations in Bodies established under the Aegis of FAO |
65/59 | Membership of Non-Member Nations in Bodies established under the Aegis of FAO |
66/59 | Membership of Non-Member Nations in Bodies established under the Aegis of FAO |
67/59 | Membership in Commodity Study Groups |
68/59 | Granting an Observer Status to Nations |
69/59 | Guiding Lines regarding Relationship between FAO and Intergovernmental Organizations |
70/59 | Co-operation Agreement with the League of Arab States |
71/59 | Categories of Officials to which the Provisions of Article VI and VII of the Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies are to Apply |
72/59 | Annex 2 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies |
73/59 | Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute |
74/59 | Co-operation Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency |
75/59 | Agreement concerning the African Regional Office |
76/59 | Agreement for the Establishment of a Latin-American Fisheries Council |
77/59 | Designation of the Rules adopted by the Conference |
78/59 | Granting of Consultative Status to International Nongovernmental Organizations |
79/59 | Audited Accounts for 1957 |
80/59 | Audited Accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for 1958 |
81/59 | European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease – Audited Accounts for 1958 |
82/59 | Publications Revolving Fund |
83/59 | Repatriation Grant Equalization Fund |
84/59 | Reimbursement of the Working Capital Fund |
85/59 | Service Benefit Fund |
86/59 | Scale of Contributions |
87/59 | Contributions of New Member Nations and Associate Member for 1960-61 |
88/59 | Additional Income and Additional Expenditure of the Organization in connection with the Admission of New Member Nations and Associate Members |
89/59 | Admission to Membership and Associate Membership |
90/59 | Suspension of Rule XIX |
91/59 | Admission of the Republic of Guinea to Membership of the Organization |
92/59 | Admission of Cyprus, the Federation of Nigeria, the State of Cameroon, the Republic of Togo, and Somalia to Membership of the Organization |
93/59 | Admission of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the Republic of Chad, Madagascar, the Republic of Gabon, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Soudan to Associate Membership in the Organization |
94/59 | Contributions and Advances by New Members and Associate Members |
95/59 | Appointment of Director-General |
96/59 | Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council |
97/59 | Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee |