
The Fourth Forum of African MUFPP Signatory Cities, originally will be hosted by the City of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from 15 to 19 February 2021.
Small towns are bigger than we think

Innovative FAO study maps urban-rural catchment areas and points to ways to optimize policy and planning coordination for agriculture, services and agri-food systems

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), launched by the city of Milan in 2015 to promote sustainable urban food systems and to which more than 200 cities, representing over 350 million people worldwide, are now members.
To celebrate the work...

FAO joins Nourish Scotland, IPES-Food and other partners for the launch of the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration.
The Glasgow Declaration opens the road to the COP26, and it is a commitment by local governments to tackle climate emergency through integrated food policies, and a call on national governments...

With FAO's support, the 3 Cities are collaborating in a cooperation project to exchange knowledge and experiences on food waste reduction.
Food management all along the value chain, from cultivation to food waste disposal, is central to safeguard food security and respond to environment-related concerns.
In 2019, FAO has launched the