
The Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger video challenge!

In line with the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, the Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger is organizing a Food Systems Dialogue.
The Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger is inviting young people to participate in this video challenge. Selected participants will have the chance to engage with global policymakers at the Food Systems Dialogue organized by the Youth Alliance.
The videos will also serve as inputs to the Global Youth Food charter which we are co-creating with our friends from
The Food Foundation!
1. Choose a country dish or beverage
2. breakdown the dish/beverage into its ingredients
3. Trace the journey of the MAIN INGREDIENTS back to the source (e.g farm/water body)
4. Share the problems you found/observes regarding the main ingredients 
5. Tell us how those problems can be solved
6. Submit your 3-5 minute video to [email protected] with the subject "table2farm_<your name, country>"
Don't miss out on the opportunity!