XXI Century Research Foundation

XXI Century Research Foundation is a non-profit organization based on voluntary donations and pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational, and other socially useful purposes. The Foundation was established on December 20, 2000 by a panel of juridical bodies and individual contributors. The main objectives of the Foundation include the following:
- Promoting research in the fields of education, economy, culture, and science-intensive industries.
- Promoting and implementing of new technologies and advances in science, education, economy, and culture.
- Implementing of programs aimed at development of scientific, educational and industrial institutions.
A priority is to disseminate the advancements of modern Russian science in order to increase public interest in it. Russia is historically famous for its scientific and technical potential. This is due, not to the least, to the high educational level of its people. Unfortunately, now this level is gradually declining. A striking example of this is the information space, which is filled with glossy magazines and advertising entertainments.