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  • AGROVOC Community of Editors: Russian Federation

    Central Scientific Agricultural Library ( CSAL ) is the leading information center in the field of agriculture in the Russian Federation. CSAL has created a thesaurus on agriculture and food in Russian and maintains the Russian version of AGROVOC. The team working on AGROVOC is comprised of five people – one coordinator plus several experts in specific fields of agriculture who use special...

  • The Land Portal Foundation Helping to Build AGROVOC Community of Experts for LandVoc Scheme with Online Course and One-Day Workshop in 2020

    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations will work together with The Land Portal Foundation to create a community of experts for AGROVOC ’s LandVoc scheme, enriching AGROVOC ’s content, relevancy and use for the land and agricultural sector with an online course, along with a one-day workshop in May, 2020. Participation of land experts to the AGROVOC online course, as...

  • Kasetsart University set to Host AGROVOC Two-Day Regional Workshop in 2020

    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is set to partner with Kasetsart University to enhance knowledge sharing and improve visibility and access to agricultural sciences and technical content of agricultural research worldwide through AGROVOC in Asia with a two-day regional workshop in 2020. FAO and Kasetsart University will use the workshop, “Enhancing knowledge...

  • The State Agrarian University of Moldova to Host Two Events Focusing on AGRIS and AGROVOC in 2020

    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is enthusiastic to partner with the State Agrarian University of Moldova to continue to enhance the networks, sustainability and awareness of tools such as AGRIS and AGROVOC with two events in 2020 including the 2020 Annual AGRIS Community Meeting with stakeholders from Europe, Central Asia, Asia and the Pacific and the Third...

  • AGROVOC Community of Editors: Moldova

    The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (RSAL SAUM), a university library and national information and documentation center in agricultural sciences, curates the translation of AGROVOC into Romanian and integrates Romanian terminology into the global concept space. The team working on AGROVOC currently consists of four editors who collaborate on...