
World Day to Combat Desertification

17/06/2015 - 17/06/2015

Milan, Expo Conference Centre

The World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) is observed worldwide on 17 June every year. The theme of 2015 WDCD is attainment of food security for all through sustainable food systems. With the slogan, “No such thing as a free lunch - Invest in healthy soil”, the day highlights that eradicating hunger and poverty for all are closely tied to achieving Land Degradation Neutrality. This year, the global observance event will be held at the Expo Milan on Wednesday, 17 June. We would like to invite you to join this observance event. The event will feature the testimony of Mario Tozzi, renowned environmental journalist and TV personality, progress in creating a Great Green Wall in the Sahel by photograph Andrea Borgarelo, and performances by the Titi & Baribagass Band from Senegal.


Click here for the official event page on UNCCD site.