
UNCCD COP12 - Workshop on Desertification and Restoration in Mediterranean Drylands

16/10/2015 - 16/10/2015

Ankara, Congresium Ankara-ATO International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Turkish Pavilion

The workshop will be organized and hosted by the Government of Turkey, with the technical support from FAO. The objectives of the workshop will be the following:

1) To establish the new Silva Mediterranea working group:

  • To define the terms of reference, objectives and priority thematic issues to be covered by the thematic group 
  • To define the group’s organizational structure with a clear definition of respective roles and tasks (leader, focal points, membership, working and communication modalities, etc.) 

2) To identify and discuss opportunities for collaborative efforts for FLR at the regional level and mainly:

  • To discuss the feasibility of a strong Mediterranean Commitment on FLR in the context of the Bonn Challenge (Initiative 20 by 30 – 20 million hectare by 2030?) 
  • Discuss opportunities for having the V Mediterranean Forest Week to be held in Morocco in 2017 focused on FLR with, at the end, the launch of the Mediterranean initiative 20 by 30 on FLR

Workshop documents



Follow the link for the COP 12 official page.