FAO in Ethiopia

UN CERF contributes USD 4 million to restore agricultural livelihoods of conflict-affected communities in the Tigray region

The project is supporting conflict-affected communities in the Tigray region. ©FAO

Addis Ababa - The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (UN CERF) contributed US$ 4 000 000 to FAO’s programme aimed at supporting conflict-affected communities in the Tigray region.

Through the project, FAO is supporting 45 000 households (225 000 people) with assorted seeds of improved locally adapted drought-tolerant crops. The Organization is also supporting multiplication of seeds of adaptive and locally preferred pulse and cereal crops. The inputs are coupled with tailored training on good agronomic practices, post-harvest handling, seed production, and value addition.

The livestock-health package targets 180 000 households (900 000 people) and comprises of vaccination services and rehabilitation of veterinary clinics. In addition, FAO is providing supplementary animal feed (including multi-nutrient blocks and total mixed rations) to households with children under five as well as women of reproductive age. The provided feed will be enough to feed two core-breeding cattle per household for 60 days. For beneficiary households with access to irrigation facilities, FAO is providing them with fast-growing improved forage seeds.

Furthermore, 16 100 households (80 500 people) will receive  unconditional cash transfer package of USD 118 per household to enable them to meet immediate family needs, hence mitigating the risk of resorting to negative coping strategies during the lean period.

FAO is implementing the project in collaboration with the regional government and NGOs from November 2021 to July 2022.  




Rachel Nandelenga

Communications Consultant

FAO Ethiopia

[email protected]