L’évaluation à la FAO

Faits marquants


The Institutionalisation of food safety in Bangladesh for safer food project was implemented while the country was establishing its new Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA).


Certain areas of recognized FAO technical expertise, such as water for agriculture or anti-microbial resistance deserve higher prioritization and strategic integration.

Sound and timely statistics are key to inform decisions, policies and investments that tackle issues related to food and agriculture, from hunger and malnutrition to rural poverty, from food systems productivity to the sustainable use of natural resources or to climate change.
Evaluations reinforce the value of data, technology, and innovations in support of FAO’s work, highlighting the need for larger investments in this space.
Biodiveristy provides us with food, water, shelter, and medicine. It also helps to regulate the climate and keep our ecosystems healthy. What have we learnt from FAO project evaluations?

Although community participation in natural resource management can empower women, foster sustainable use of natural resources and enhance social cohesion, conflict sensitivity and conflict mitigation efforts are critical.

Woman watering plants

Unearmarked or lightly earmarked voluntary contributions remain critical to finance innovation and underfunded and emerging areas in FAO.


The evaluation of FAO’s contribution to SDG 6 analyzed FAO’s activities and projects to determine FAO’s work in relation to SDG 6 targets.


EvalForward est une communauté de pratique de l’évaluation pour la sécurité alimentaire, l’agriculture et le développement rural. Elle rassemble des cadres et des professionnels pour partager leur expérience et renforcer les capacités d’évaluation au niveau des pays.

The IPC provides a common language and framework for governments and other stakeholders to understand and respond to food insecurity and malnutrition.