
Call for papers - Workshop on “Sustainable Agroecology: Governance, practices, potentials, and tensions in a comparative perspective”

Agroecology holds that agricultures that are part of sustainable food systems are closely interwoven with local contexts and communities. These agricultures are embedded into farmers’ local and practice knowledge which is articulated in constructive ways with scientific knowledge. They combine producers’ concerns with concerns of consumers and environmental protection and operate in recognition of and with respect for local socialecological system boundaries. They strive towards reliance on ecological techniques for managing pests, improving soils and meeting demands of food security. Networks of farmers, civil society, consumers and public actors and local communities are the primary agents in such agricultures. Ideally, they work together to provide for equitable livelihoods and nutritious and sustainable diets. By its very definition and given the diversity of social-ecological contexts and political economies, there exist different forms, types, practices and understandings of sustainable agroecology, and pathways towards these are equally manifold.

作者: University of Kassel, Witzenhausen/ Kassel, Germany
组 织: University of Kassel, Witzenhausen/ Kassel, Germany
年份: 2023
国家: Germany
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 情况说明
内容语言: English
