
Creating green jobs and a better environment in Anjar, Lebanon

“I love my town deeply, and I want it to serve as a model for other towns in Lebanon”. These were the words of Hrair, our civilian hero, a 35-year-old man residing in Anjar, located in the Bekaa Governorate. Hrair’s work primarily centers around agriculture, where he plants strawberries and maintains various sites established by several different projects and initiatives. In close partnership with the municipality, Hrair works together with his friends and families in a dynamic group that is deeply rooted in their town. They are confident that through their collective efforts they will be able to maintain the beauty of their town and to secure a sustainable livelihood to their community for years to come.

Funded by the Government of South Korea, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented the project “Enhancing the Resilience of Vulnerable Refugee Communities through Cash-for-Work in Anjar” in 2019 and 2020, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Agriculture, two partner NGOs, Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI), and the Association for Forests, Development and Conservation (AFDC), as well as the Municipality of Anjar.

作者: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
年份: 2023
地理范围: 近东及北非
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
