
Social rural movements and environmental conflicts: the territorial dispute

The profound socio-productive transformations, specifically those associated with the impact of global economic policies, influence the so-called rural social movements. This article aims to understand the changes that these rural social-movements have experienced, with a special emphasis on the historical transit of the rural collective action in this new scenario. The proposed hypothesis is that the fight for the land, reshaped from a symbolic and valoric perspective, is still a primary factor in the demands that originate these social movements. The emergence of the new rural social movements is redefined as a dispute for the territory, in other words, the land with a meaning and history. The discussion will be centered on the rural-environmentalist movements in the framework of mining conflicts since these question themes related to territory and identity.

Title of publication: Psicoperspectivas. Individuo y Sociedad
卷号: 11
国际标准刊号: 0717-7798
页数: 204-225
作者: Sofía Bowen
其他作家: Felipe Fábrega, Rodrigo Medel
组 织: Universidad de Chile
其他组织: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
年份: 2012
国家: Chile
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: Spanish
