
Plantwise Annual Report 2015

Plantwise is a global programme, led by CABI, to increase food security and improve rural livelihoods by reducing crop losses. Working in close partnership with relevant actors, Plantwise strengthens national plant health systems from within, enabling countries to provide farmers with the knowledge they need to lose less and feed more. This is achieved by establishing networks of locally owned plant clinics, run by extension staff trained as plant doctors, where farmers can find practical plant health advice. Plant clinics are reinforced by the Plantwise knowledge bank, a gateway to online and offline actionable plant health information, including diagnostic resources, pest management advice and basic pest data for effective global pest surveillance.

This publication represents an update on programme implementation between January and December 2015. The report lists key highlights from the reporting period and then provides a narrative on progress, lessons learned and next steps for each of the three programme components. In addition, there is an update on donor engagement. 

发布者: CABI
作者: CABI
组 织: CABI
年份: 2016
地理范围: 非洲, 亚洲及太平洋, 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
